July 2007Oke and Schiller (2007), submitted to GRL Demonstration/Applications Including Impact of Observations on Models Observing System Experiments (altimetry,


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Presentation transcript:

July 2007Oke and Schiller (2007), submitted to GRL Demonstration/Applications Including Impact of Observations on Models Observing System Experiments (altimetry, SST, Argo) Case Study for Forecast Validation Pelagic Fisheries and Ecosystems: Habitat Prediction for Southern Bluefin Tuna Spatial Management

July 2007Oke and Schiller (2007), submitted to GRL (1) Observing System Experiments Bluelink Reanalysis/forecast system OFAM (MOM4.0d, /10 o res around Australia) BODAS (EnOI, 72 member ensemble with localisation) Systematically with-hold each observation type from a 6-month Reanalysis (December 2005 – May 2006). Assimilation experiments assimilate every 7 days

July 2007Oke and Schiller (2007), submitted to GRL (1) Observing System Experiments: RMS residuals Impact on SST With-holding altimetry or Argo has minimal impact on reanalysed SST (panels c & d). SST critical in shallow seas and wide shelves Impact on sea-level anomalies Assimilation of Argo and SST reduces SLA residuals considerably (panel a and c); but doesn’t resolve mesoscale.

July 2007Oke and Schiller (2007), submitted to GRL (1) Observing System Experiments: RMS residuals Area-averaged RMS residuals between observed and modelled SLA (cm), coastal SLA (cSLA, cm) and all T and S profiles over the top 500 m. Impact on T(z) and S(z) Argo is the only component of the GOOS to adequately constrain salinity SST has a positive impact on T(z) near the surface

July 2007Oke and Schiller (2007), submitted to GRL (2) Case Study for Forecast Validation: Brassington and Summons

July 2007Oke and Schiller (2007), submitted to GRL Brassington and Summons (2) Case Study for Forecast Validation:

July 2007Oke and Schiller (2007), submitted to GRL (3) Dynamic Spatial Strategies Southern bluefin tuna management Management decision + Habitat preferences 3D ocean info Habitat prediction Hobday and Hartmann (2006)