1 Consultation Process Towards the Post-2015 Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction SRSG Margareta Wahlström Regional Platform-the Americas 26 November 2012 Santiago de Chile
2 –Raising impact of disasters on both developed and developing countries –Mounting economic consequences of disasters –Increasing exposure to disaster risk –Growing global vulnerability to natural hazards, due to factors such as population pressure, fast urbanization, climate change Background
3 –Government request for periodic reviews of progress on HFA –Mid-Term Review of the HFA in –The Chair’s Summary of the Third Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in 2011 –UN General Assembly Resolution 66/199 requested UNISDR to facilitate development of a post-2015 framework for disaster risk reduction Context
4 -Engage a wide range of stakeholders in the preparatory process in developing a Post Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction -Review success and lessons learnt, identify challenges and solutions to risk reduction, especially at national and local levels -Deepen understanding and knowledge of issues imperative to making development resilient to the impact of natural hazards Objectives
5 The consultation process will deploy participatory and inclusive approach through: - Building on existing meetings and conferences related to DRR and development –Organizing separate consultative meetings as needed –Facilitating on-line discussions and debates –Consulting with advisory group –Encouraging and participating in thematic consultations –Linking on-going major consultations and debates such as Rio+20, post-2015 development agenda, COP 18, and SIDS 2014 –Refer to reports and monitoring of the existing HFA to identify progress and challenges Approach
7 Key points of the Advisory Group meeting Need to continue to promote overall understanding of risk and vulnerability Improve science-based knowledge to policy- making More needs to be done to make the economic and investment case for DRR Rebrand DRR in a positive manner, - Find better ways to report and measure the DRR process Work on substantive issues, such as climate change, poverty (rural, drought, water shortage and food security) urban risk (earthquake, land use planning)…
8 - Assess the progress of regional strategies and plans for reducing trans-boundary disaster risks -Assess success and lessons-learnt in facilitating national integration of disaster risk reduction into development planning -Create opportunities and forums for regional stakeholders to discuss issues and themes related to DRR -Sharing good and helpful practices for integrated planning -Engage region-based thematic networks to analyze the themes for the post-2015 framework, to provide inputs to discussions and papers Regional consultations