WITSML Technical Team Aberdeen, Oct 2006
Technical Team Organization Representatives from service companies Monthly conference calls 2 day session at WITSML meetings Coordinated by POSC WITSML web site WITSML web site WITSML TT Yahoo group maintains issue list WITSML TT Yahoo group maintains issue list
WITSML Issue List
WITSML Issue Discussion
Aberdeen Meeting Review Issue List Implement bug fixes Implement bug fixes Errors in schema Incorrect data types Incorrect units classes Errors in enumeration lists Discuss some items with Use Case team Discuss some items with Use Case team
Review w/Use Case Team Run numbering in logs Automation How to find active well/wellbore How to find active well/wellbore Publish/subscribe – notification of events Publish/subscribe – notification of events Server data organization
Run numbering in logs Log & wellLog objects have character strings for run and pass number Legacy from LIS, DLIS, WellLogML Legacy from LIS, DLIS, WellLogML Unable to search or order Unable to search or order Propose to add BHA run number (integer) to log header Enables link to BHA and bit information Enables link to BHA and bit information
Enabling Automation Publish/Subscribe mechanism Defined in 2000 – XML technology has moved on since then Defined in 2000 – XML technology has moved on since then Difficult to implement – need web server at both ends Difficult to implement – need web server at both ends Does not work through firewalls Does not work through firewalls POSC will publish statement on Pub/Sub POSC will publish statement on Pub/Sub Technical team to investigate alternatives Technical team to investigate alternatives GetFromStore Interface Use dTimLastChanged. Requires lots of queries Use dTimLastChanged. Requires lots of queries Implement Change log item Implement Change log item Current/active well & wellbore Need to implement new server behavior Need to implement new server behavior Needs documentation of recommended practices Needs documentation of recommended practices Updating activity codes Updating activity codes
Organization of Server Data Issues with one well per sidetrack How to find related wells? API Well number different for each wellbore (1 st 10 digits are the same for each well) Need to specify best practice for well/wellbore naming Maybe a link to POSC global well name initiative
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