Importance of Goal 1.1 million Americans are living with HIV 1 out of 5 people with HIV do not know they have it HIV leads to 56,000 new infections each year
Stages of HIV Stage 1: Primary HIV Infection Flu like symptoms Only 20% of people consult a doctor in primary stage Seroconversion
Stages of HIV Stage 2: Clinically Asymptomatic Lasts an average of 10 years Asymptomatic Antibody test will be positive Viral Load Test
Stages of HIV Stage 3: Symptomatic HIV Infection Immune System weakens Damaged Tissue & Lymph Nodes HIV becomes more pathogenic Body fails to reproduce T-helper cells
Stages of HIV Stage 4: Progression from HIV to AIDS 2 Classifications of AIDS 1 or more opportunistic infections or cancers Low count of T-helper cells < 200 HIV Wasting Syndrome
Opportunistic Infections Respiratory System Tuberculosis Gastrointestinal System Kaposi’s Sarcoma CNS & PNS Herpes Simplex
HIV-3: Reduce the rate of HIV transmission among adolescents and adults
Importance of Objective Incurable, fatal illness that weakens a persons immune system
HIV-3: National Level NADR Street Outreach Program Successful strategy for slowing the spread among U.S. drug injectors Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Counseling Effectiveness
HIV-3: State Level Estimated 10,656 PLWHA Washington State Department of Health EHB 2360 Determines how funding is administered Needle Exchange Programs
HIV-3: Local Level Estimated 140 in Whatcom County PLWHA Evergreen Aids Foundation Women’s Program Emergency Financial Assistance Community Education & Forums
HIV-16: Increase the proportion of substance abuse treatment facilities that offer HIV/AIDS education, counseling, and support
Importance of Objective Facilities provide resources for people struggling or living with HIV/AIDS Education Treatment Support Counseling
HIV-16: National Level National Coalition for LGBT Health Build networks and alliances on national, state, and local level Community based organizations Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program
HIV-16: State Level H.E.R.E Spokane, WA Hold HIV/AIDS prevention, outreach, and care services
HIV-16: Local Level Whatcom County Health and Human Services Department Counseling & Testing Needle Exchange Program Health Support Center Positive Frontiers
HIV-17: Increase the proportions of sexually active persons who use condoms
Importance of Objective Important in preventing the transmission of HIV/AIDS to a partner CDC case study
HIV-17: National Level AIDS Healthcare Foundation os/videos/58/ os/videos/58/
HIV-17: State Level H.E.R.E From Me to You Homo Health Lifelong AIDS Alliance Lube Alert & Bathhouse Outreach FWHC Services
HIV-17: Local Level Whatcom Counts Planned Parenthood WWU Health Center Cookies & Condoms
Outlook $ 4.6 billion removed from state budget Setback in HIV prevention programs