Department Chair Session 4 Sebastian Oddone District Supervisor Kirk Nieveen Curriculum Specialist
Norms M ake sure to be kind to the presenters and give them your full attention, and please be on time D on’t be afraid to ask and share, we are all life-long learners C are for your profession and be kind to others P lease remember we are guests at Miami SHS S ilence your cell phones and turn off your gaming devices Department of Mathematics and Science
Goals for This Session 8:30 AM Welcome McGraw Hill Education Presentation Address District and State Updates –Legislation SB 1642 –Item Bank (EOC) Development –Pacing Guides –Biology Learning Goals –Honors and Accolades Reflection on the Year We’ve Had Miami Dade College Presentation Best Practices Integration of the new Florida Standards –Language Arts Florida Standards –Mathematics Florida Standards What’s Next
SB 1642 School Grade Modification and EOC Development “Beginning with the school year, a school’s grade shall be based on the following components, each worth 100 points:” –Percentage passing ELA state exam –Percentage passing Math state exam –Percentage passing Science state exam –Percentage passing Social Studies state exam –Learning gains in Math –Learning gains in Science –Lowest 25% in ELA –Lowest 25% in Math
SB 1642 School Grade Modification and EOC Development For a school comprised of high school grades 9, 10, 11, and 12, or grades 10, 11, and 12, the school’s grade at least 50 percent of the school grade shall be based [the above reporting categories] and… the remaining percentage on the following components, each worth 100 points:” –Four-year graduation rate –Percentage of students eligible to earn college credit: AP, IB, Industry certification
Item Bank (EOC) Development Beginning in , the Florida Standards Assessments (FSA) will include: –English Language Arts in Grades 3-11 –Mathematics in Grades 3-8 –Algebra 1 End-of-Course (EOC) –Algebra 2 EOC –Geometry EOC These assessments replace the current FCAT 2.0 Reading (Grades 3-10) and mathematics assessments (Grades 3-8), as well as the current state EOCs in Algebra 1 and Geometry The existing FCAT 2.0 Science assessments in Grades 5 and 8, and the existing state EOCs in Biology 1, U.S. History, and Civics will continue to be administered
Pacing Guides Physical Science Biology Chemistry Physics
Biology Learning Goals
Honors and Accolades STEM Expo State Science Fair International Science Fair STEM Scholars Awards Banquet
Reflection on the Year Chalk Talk 1.How would you describe your department’s growth toward developing into a cohesive team? 2.Knowing what you now know, what tweaks will you make for the upcoming year?
Best Practices
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) - Wi-Fi Access Professional Development –July –August
Integration of New Florida Standards
Let’s Take a Deeper Look Course Description Review Year-at-a-Glance Review How does it all fit together?
Science Department Dr. Ava Rosales, Executive Director ElementaryMiddle SchoolHigh School Dr. Millard Lightburn District Supervisor Mrs. Yoly McCarthy Instructional Supervisor Mr. Sebastian Oddone, District Supervisor Ms. Mary Tweedy, Curriculum Support Specialist Mr. Dane Jaber Curriculum Support Specialist Mr. Kirk Nieveen, Curriculum Support Specialist Ms. Keisha Kidd, Curriculum Support Specialist Ms. Mildred Farber Administrative Assistant Phone:
Thank you