SMALL SUN PASTA 餐旅二乙 498M0059 黃佩玉
Shop owner outward appearance Their appearance looks small 、 cute and bright. Very consistent their name.
Decoration Their decoration like their outward appearance very small 、 cute and bright. I thought their’s atmosphere very warn.
Tableware ornaments is very simple. All decoration used to very consistent their name.
Menu&Price They have a lot of taste type and price is so cheap. Menu is very environmental protection.
Meal Their meal include bread 、 soup and black tea. Their bread taste very crisp. Their soup taste very rich. Their black tea is Count black tea.
Main meal Left: Pesto Spaghetti With Chicken Breast Right: Carbonara Spaghetti With Shrimp
Information Original: 台南市慶中街 200 號 New: 台南市國華街二段 24 號 Telephone: Shop hours: 10 : : : : 30 PS. This PPT introduce original shop. But now they are moved new place.
Why I like eat pasta so I introduce this cute pasta restaurant. Their pasta taste so good. I like this restaurant very much. Welcome to Small Sun Pasta. Low price can eat good meal.
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