Wednesday, 29th January 2014 Four students and four teachers from our school participated in this meeting. Visitors from each partner countries arrived in Heilbronn in the evening. The host families for the students came to the hotel where the teachers stayed to meet and collect the guests students.
Thursday, 30th January 2014 (Heilbronn) All the partners in the Project visited the partner school, Johann- Jakob- Widman-Schule, in Hilbronn, Germany. First students voted for the winner Project logo. Before the meeting each country designed two logos and sent to the coordinator of the Project. The winner logo was the one designed by the Turkish students and teachers. Afterwards students presented their products prepared by using power point, prezi, movie about the sterotypes in each country. In the evening the winner logo was printed on the T-shirts and they were given to the students as a souvenior of the project meeting.
Thursday, 30th January 2014 (Heilbronn) Before lunch time the guests wellcomed by the deputy city major in the town hall.
Thursday, 30th January 2014 (Heilbronn) In the afternoon students had a town ralley with their host partners.They did the tasks about the town and the people.
Friday, 31st January 2014(Stutgart) In the morning the students and the teachers met at the train station and travelled to Stutgart. The rappers went to the radio station with some of the teachers to visit the radio station and to record the rap song into a CD. The other students went to visit the house of history museum. In the museum they had a workshop. Students were divided into groups and given some tasks to do in the museum. They were given some pictures and their tasks was to find where the pictures were in the museum and what were they about.
Friday, 31st January 2014(Stutgart) After the workshops all the partcipants had seightseeing and shopping in Stutgart.In the evening all the participants returned back Heilbronn.
Saturday, 1st February 2014(Heidelberg) All the participants met at the train station and travelled to Heilderberg, a small town nearby.
Saturday, 1st February 2014(Heidelberg) In the old town students and teachers had a town ralley game together. The tasks were given to the international groups and the groups tried to find the things in the old town
Saturday, 1st February 2014(Heidelberg) Then teachers had a meeting about what will be done for the meeting in France. Then, in the evening all the participants returned back to Heilbronn.
Saturday, 1st February 2014 (Leingarten) In the evening all the participants went to Leingarten.They had a walk to the place where they had their goodbye dinner and party. During the evening students sang songs and danced together. Finally everybody thanked to the host school for their hospitality and warm wellcoming.
Sunday, 2nd February 2014 In the morning each partner left Hilbronn to travel their hometowns.