MARK 7362 Focus Groups
MARK 7362 Agenda: -Why would you want to do a focus group? -How do you prepare for a focus group? -How do you conduct a focus group? -How do you evaluate a focus group?
MARK Why would you want to do a focus group? -You want to explore ideas in-depth either before or after quantitative research -You (or your boss/agency/others) want to see research conducted live -You want to share materials (ads/videos) with others
MARK How do you prepare for a focus group? -You decide on your objective! -Then, you decide on the -Target audience -Location(s) -Facility(ies) -Moderator -Number of groups
MARK How do you prepare for a focus group (cont’d)? -Develop your screening questionnaire -Design and review your discussion guide -Create all necessary materials and ensure they arrive
MARK How do you conduct a focus group? -Arrive early, make sure everything is ready -Reconfirm screening qualifications -Start with introductions and ground rules -Ask easy questions at first -Delve into the subject matter in-depth -Close with a happy ending and a thank you
MARK How do you evaluate a focus group? -Have a de-briefing right away -Clarify understanding -Discuss any changes for any remaining groups -Agree on conclusions and next steps
MARK Sample focus group