Cyber Security Institute Dr. Ferhat Ozgur Catak TÜBİTAK BİLGEM Cyber Security Institute Role: Senior Researcher Proposal activity: SEC-17-BES-2017: Architectures and organizations, big data and data analytics for customs risk management of the international goods supply chain trade movements SEC-19-BES-2016: Data fusion for maritime security applications DS : EU Cooperation and International Dialogues in Cybersecurity and Privacy Research and Innovation DS : Cryptography DS : Privacy, Data Protection, Digital Identities Disclaimer: with the submission of this presentation the consent is given by its author for the organisers to distribute the presentation. SMIG January
Previous/on going projects and capabilities Cloud Computing and Big Data Laboratory, Cloud And Big Data Security and Privacy Project (2014-…) (funded by Republic of Turkey Ministry of Development) Data Leakage Prevention (DLP), Machine Learning Based Classification Tool (2014-…) (funded by Republic of Turkey Ministry of Development) Capabilities : Threat/Risk Modeling Relational and NoSQL Database security PostgreSQL, Oracle, MySQL etc MongoDB, Hadoop HDFS etc Privacy techniques Anonymization techniques Statistical perturbation techniques Secure Multi-Party Computation Data Science Big Data Analytics Data Mining: Classification, Clustering, Trend Analysis, Correlation Analysis Data Visualization 2 SMIG January 2016
Potential partner activity SEC-17-BES-2017: Architectures and organizations, big data and data analytics for customs risk management of the international goods supply chain trade movements Design and implementation of Big Data Analytics Systems, Data Visualization, Predictive Modeling DS : EU Cooperation and International Dialogues in Cybersecurity and Privacy Research and Innovation, DS : Cryptography Developing security and privacy tools and techniques for Cloud computing, big data, IoT, smart cards, Identifying new opportunities for cyber-security like homomorphic encryption based privacy preserving computation. Developing custom techniques, tools and systems for anonymization, obfuscation, perturbation to reduce data leakage DS : Privacy, Data Protection, Digital Identities Developing custom techniques, tools and systems for aiding Privacy Enhanced Technologies. Incorporating big data into various analysis steps. SMIG January