Growth Management and Site Impact Workshop Jacksonville Workshop May 23-25, 2007 ` Site Impact and Growth Management Workshop
GROWTH MANAGEMENT WHY ARE WE HERE TODAY? Unprecedented Growth –Development Accelerating –Improvement Costs Skyrocketing System Impacts –Roadway Congestion Increasing –Levels of Service Decreasing New Legal Requirements –Concurrency Management Systems –Proportionate Fair Share Agreements –Congestion Management Systems
GROWTH MANAGEMENT WHY ARE WE HERE TODAY? Spreading Growth –Continuing pressure in coastal areas –Increasing pressure in inland areas Concurrency Requirements –Potential “push back” from developers Transportation Funding Dilemma –FDOT emphasis on SIS –Increasing needs on entire system What else can happen?
GROWTH MANAGEMENT A Possible Solution Cooperation –State and Local Government working toward a common objective Consistency –State and Local Government are utilizing the same tools for analysis of studies
GROWTH MANAGEMENT Purpose of the Workshop Share information on new growth management and site impact issues Make you aware of the methods and tools we have developed Provide guidance on the use of these methods and tools
GROWTH MANAGEMENT Purpose of the Workshop To learn from you what we can do, to better assist you Share some GM issues still being discussed –We will NOT make policy where there are still unanswered questions
GROWTH MANAGEMENT What We Won’t Do Now Detailed training on –LOS computer programs –Trip Internalization Program (TIPS) –Modeling Get familiar with these technical issues Get to know each other better Get a better idea of detailed training needs What We Will Do Now
GROWTH MANAGEMENT Workshop Overview Daily Emphasis Areas Day 1 – Growth Management Day 2 – Site Impact Day 3 – Level of Service
GROWTH MANAGEMENT The Big Picture (Strategic Intermodal System) SIS (State Highway System) SHS All Public Roads (centerline miles) ~120,000 ~12,000 ~4,300
GROWTH MANAGEMENT SIS Facts % trucks% traffic 66%51%
GROWTH MANAGEMENT Example Agriculture Residential City Center Office/Commercial Mixed-Use Residential/ Commercial Mixed-Use
GROWTH MANAGEMENT Who determines LOS standards? Agriculture Residential City Core Office/Commercial Mixed-Use Residential/ Commercial Mixed-Use State Non-SIS Facilities Local Road SIS Facility State Non-SIS Facilities
GROWTH MANAGEMENT Agriculture Residential City Core Office/Commercial Mixed-Use Residential/ Commercial Mixed-Use State Non-SIS Facilities Local Road SIS Facility State Non-SIS Facilities 100,000 sq ft distribution Center Smaller Scale Comp Plan Amendment
GROWTH MANAGEMENT Agriculture Residential City Core Office/Commercial Mixed-Use Residential/ Commercial Mixed-Use State Non-SIS Facilities Local Road SIS Facility 100,000 sq ft distribution Center Smaller Scale Comp Plan Amendment
GROWTH MANAGEMENT City Core Agriculture Residential/Commercial Mixed Use Office/Commercial Mixed Use Residential Smaller Scale Comp Plan Amendment 100,000 sq ft distribution Center SIS Facility State Non-SIS Facility Local Road State Non-SIS Facility