Processing Seismic Reflection Data of La Bajada Fault Ryan Lester
Outline Acquisition Acquisition Processing Processing Final image Final image
AGC NMO CVstack Freq. Filter Obs.notes Rec.loc SourcelocKill traces Geom CMP sort Raw Data No exciting CMP sort picture. Sorry.
Show examples of CVS CVstack Velocity Function
CMPsort NMO CMP Stack Velocity Function
A few other things we played with Predictive Deconvolution Predictive Deconvolution Eliminates multiplesEliminates multiples Surgical muting Surgical muting Eliminate groundroll in dataEliminate groundroll in data FK filtering FK filtering Eliminate groundroll and other non- random noise in dataEliminate groundroll and other non- random noise in data Coherency filtering (post stack) Coherency filtering (post stack) Enhance signalEnhance signal
Final stack based on CV stacks Final stack based on refraction velocity