Multimodal Integrated Corridor Management
More Than CSMPs
Overview CSMP Background – How We Got Here CSMP Background – How We Got Here CSMP Status – Where We Are CSMP Status – Where We Are The Challenge Ahead – What It Takes To Get Where We Need To Be The Challenge Ahead – What It Takes To Get Where We Need To Be
GM’s FUTURAMA Stretching the Horizon
42 Mile Loop
District 7 TMC Los Angeles 1971 (42 Miles) 1998 (750 Miles)
District 7 New TMC
Beware CSMPs Ahead
Conducted congestion summits in cooperation with the four regional AASHTO meetings. Identified innovative strategies and initiatives that states were adopting for dealing with the congestion challenge To learn from one another about what was possible, and how state DOT leadership could make a difference in improving transportation system performance AASHTO Summits
Summit Themes Summit Themes There is no Single Solution Performance Measurement is a Key to Overcoming Limited Resources The Extent of the Congestion Challenge Goes Beyond One Jurisdiction’s Boundaries and Requires Collaboration
Performance Poetry How can you manage if you don’t know what’s happening How can you manage if you don’t know what’s happening How can you show people what to invest in if they can’t visualize that return on investment How can you show people what to invest in if they can’t visualize that return on investment How do you challenge people to improve without a vision How do you challenge people to improve without a vision
Background CSMPs – High Octane System Planning CSMPs – High Octane System Planning Caltrans – The Mobility Company Caltrans – The Mobility Company New Tools – Performance, Simulation, and more New Tools – Performance, Simulation, and more
Corridor Management Plans Corridor Management Plans Performance All Jurisdictions All Modes Commitment Plan CMP Critical Themes
Plan Components Performance Assessment Corridor Description Corridor Team Improvements Proposal Ongoing Understanding Analytics
Modern Metrics Performance Mobility Productivity ReliabilitySafety
Arterial network 40 miles of arterials Approximately 250 signalized intersections 12 major connectors to I-880 Freeway Traffic signals controlled and maintained by respective local agencies Different signal control systems
Development Milestones Corridor definition Stakeholder team Preliminary performance assessment Detection in place Comprehensive performance assessment Identify causes of congestion Test improvement scenarios Prioritize recommendations
CSMP Status 26 Corridors Underway 26 Corridors Underway 7 Detection Projects Moving 7 Detection Projects Moving Primitive Stage Primitive Stage January Meeting to Determine Future Direction January Meeting to Determine Future Direction
The Challenge What are we really going to do What are we really going to do When When Concept of Operations Concept of Operations Managing Across Modes, Jurisdictions & Strategies Managing Across Modes, Jurisdictions & Strategies
What Does It Mean To Manage Building a House vs Managing a Home Building a House vs Managing a Home Integrate vs Co-ordinate Integrate vs Co-ordinate Soviet Collectives Revisited Soviet Collectives Revisited
More Active Management