Illustration from the Holinshed Chronicles 1587
Henry Fuseli, The Three Witches 1783
Henry Fuseli, Macbeth, Banquo and the Witches on the Heath
Théodore Chasséirau, Macbeth, Banquo and the Witches, 19th c.
William Blake, Hecate or the Three Fates 1795
copia romana di originale greco (Musei Vaticani) Ecate copia romana di originale greco (Musei Vaticani)
Hindu Goddess Kali
Hindu Goddess Kali Gorgone (Acropoli, Atene)
Gorgone (museo di Siracusa) Trinacria
Lilith (Mesopotamia 1950 BC)
(Dante Gabriel Rossetti, 1877) Astarte Siriaca (Dante Gabriel Rossetti, 1877)
Circe offering the cup to Ulysses (John Waterhouse, 1891)
Ellen Terry as Lady Macbeth John Singer Sargent 1889 Tate Gallery, London
Henry Fuseli The Sleepwalking Lady Macbeth
Macbeth Orson Wells 1948
Throne of Blood, Akira Kurosawa, 1957 Kumonosu-jō (蜘蛛巣城, "Spider web castle")
The Tragedy of Macbeth, Roman Polanski 1971