Camouflage Spring 2014 Camouflage. Animals either blend in with their surroundings or disguise themselves as something else.


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Presentation transcript:

Camouflage Spring 2014 Camouflage

Animals either blend in with their surroundings or disguise themselves as something else

Camouflage: 4 types: – Concealing coloration – Disruptive coloration – Disguise – Mimicry

Concealing Animal hides against background of same color

Disruptive Stripes, spots, or patterns so the animal’s outline does not stand out against the background

Disguise Animals look like another object

Mimicry: Looks like another animal that is dangerous, bad tasting, or poisonous

Types of Mimicry 1) Batesian: Only one of the two animals is toxic/poisonous 2) Mullerian: Both organisms are dangerous/poisonous/toxic

Peppered Moth 2 phenotypes Prior to the industrial revolution, all of the trees in this habitat were light colored Soot from factories caused the lichen on trees to die and the trees to appear black The phenotype that blends in the best will be selected for