The Book of Jonah Daily Oral Language Week 3
Sentence 1 Underline verbs and label as past, present, or future tense. i sank beneath the waves, and the waters closed over me. seaweed will wrap itself around my head
Sentence 2 Underline verbs and label as past, present, or future tense. i was imprisoned in the earth, whose gates lock shut forever. but you oh lord my god will snatch me from the jaws of death
Sentence 3 Underline verbs and label as past perfect, present perfect, or future perfect tense. then i said oh lord you have driven me from your presence. yet i will have looked once more toward your holy temple
Sentence 4 Underline verbs and label as past perfect, present perfect, or future perfect tense. he has read the book of jonah three times but he will have read it five times by the end of this unit
Sentence 5 Underline verbs and label as present or present perfect tense. god said to jonah get up and go to the great city of nineveh, and deliver the message i have given you