Cone gatherers (Locational and Political setting) By: Pelumi, Jack, Connor, Campbell
Locational Set during World War One (WW1) Set in a forest Ardmore (Argyll) The forest symbolises the garden of Eden (paradise)- “It was a good tree by the sea loch, with many cones and much sunshine; it was homely too, with rests among its topmost branches as comfortable as chairs.“
The novel is set during autumn a time of death which acts as a foundation for life – “slowly the mottled yellow of the chestnut, the bronze beach, the saffron of birches, all the magnificent sombre harmonies of decay” The Cone Gatherers are collecting cones so they can plant new trees in spring- symbolises life.
Locational Neil feels uncomfortable in the forest collecting cones. Calum (his brother) doesn’t. Calum feels at one with nature. He is represented as ST Francis of Assisi “chaffinches fluttered around him” The storm triggers memories of Calums dead mother-”I saw her up there Neil” (points to sky)
Locational The beach hut represents the different levels of class at the estate LRC shouts “What is the meaning of this?” the cone gatherers don’t reply as they have overstepped boundaries and LRC controls the Cone Gatherers and the estate. Calum takes the blame for going into the beach hut because of his good nature.
Political setting There is the inclusion of conscientious objectors in the novel because Jenkins was a conscientious objector working for the Forestry Commission during World War II. Conscientious Objector: A person who refuses to serve in the armed forces due to moral and religious grounds or due to their conscience. Jenkins includes conscientious objectors as minor characters because he was one himself during the war and he feels as though they should be there. He also portrays them as good people to show that just because they don’t want to go to war; it doesn’t mean they are bad people. “During his lifetime he had suffered so much from neglect…” “…Now in the café the three young men came over to their table and chatted merrily for a few minutes…” (P109)
He (Neil) doesn’t fully speak to the conscientious objectors in case anyone is watching and he quickly passes them. “Neil, mindful of Lendrick eyes watching, nodded or shook his head.” They treated him as an equal by speaking to him as though he wasn’t disabled. “They gave the news from Ardmore and asked about the cone gathering. Calum answered them.”