Managing One’s Career Growth Aakash Tyagi Professor, CSE Department, Texas A&M University
Our Lives and Careers are Governed by Random Events 2
DIRECTED RANDOM Our careers are impacted by external events Random events are truly NOT under our control Some events truly CANNOT be influenced But some events CAN be controlled And certainly many events CAN be influenced 3 IDENTIFY, SELECT, and NUDGE variables and outcomes towards the desired direction
Priorities & Variables in our Environment health social family finances advice teachers spiritual awareness aspirations competition friends charity 4 network exams Circa: early 00’s Circa: mid 80’sCirca: ‘14 At different stages in our lives, different things take precedence. These can occur in the most natural (accidental) way or can be consciously planned or “nudged” ( Directed Random)
5 What is Career?
An Assortment of Career Trajectories 6 GROWTH TIME BAR KEEPS RISING! [A] [B] [C] [D] [E]
[A] Reasonable (but perhaps feeble) effort to keep up. Falls behind the bar quickly and needs verbal and written perf reviews to keep moving forward Normal career outcome: Perennially in the list for layoff candidates, not relied on for any mission critical work, gets saddled with busy work or stuff others don’t want to do Remedy: Recognize when you are in this situation and get out (change company, change job, change manager, etc) to seek a better fit asap BAR KEEPS RISING! [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [B] More often than not, this is largely determined by an employee daring employer to fire him/her. Such employees typically don’t last anywhere long. Avoid such tendencies! [C] Methodical, thought out, and optimistic growth. Typically the path most CEOs or Executive Staff take. They have a fairly strong understanding of their environment and tools and capabilities for which gear(s) to push and when. [D] Sometimes may be fool-hardy or determined or a bit un-natural growth path. Still successful but may come at the cost of something dear (health, family, strong foundation, friends, etc). [E] Similar to B but at a higher risk of burnout. Key is to recognize the trends of flattening of the curve and act in preparation (change company, change job, change manager, etc)
Quantification of Success COMPENSATION HIGH LOW 8 EQUITY CHART EQUITY LINE Diamonds are Individuals Be mindful of where you may be on the equity chart and rectify aberrations!! RANK
BAR KEEPS RISING! [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] So What does “Managing Career Growth” Mean? Form an idea of what trajectory you wish to pursue Ask what it takes to achieve the trajectory (talent, knowledge, effort, strategy, network, transitions, etc.) Decide priorities, and what is in your control and influence Put a blueprint of how you would achieve the trajectory Keep Faith, Be Patient, and Execute 9
Growth paths of an Intel Engineer employed in Product Design Typical Progression of Roles in Design Engineering Progress Measurement Indicators Expectations Spectrum Grade Entry(E)E+1E+2E+3E+4E+5E+6E+7 Independent Execution LowMediumHighExpert Scope - Technical LowMediumHighExpert Scope - Ambiguity LowMediumHigh Expert Leadership NALowMediumHighExpert Influence: Group-Wide NALowMedium HighExpert Influence: Company Wide NA LowMediumHigh Expert Typical Title and Roles in Technical Track ComponentO wner Section OwnerTech LeadPrincipal Engineer Senior Principal Engineer Fellow Member of a Project Horizontal Activity Driver of a moderate scope Project Horizontal Activity Driver of a high scope Project Horizontal Activity Driver of multiple high scope project horizontal activities Solution Owner of Toughest Problems in the area of expertise at Group Level Creator/Driv er of Technical Initiatives at Corporate Level Creator/Driver of Multiple Technical Initiatives at Corporate Level Typical Title and Roles in Management Track Component Owner Section Owner Section Manager Project Manager Director Vice President Member of a Project Horizontal Activity Driver of a moderate scope Project Horizontal Activity Driver of a high scope Project Horizontal Activity Manager of People and Cluster/Functio nal Teams Manager of Project or Multiple Cluster/Functio nal Teams Manager of Project or Organizatio Manager of Large Business or Engineering Organizatio 10
Some Career Dilemmas Technical Path or Management Path? Jump Ship or Stay Course? More Responsibilities or Better Work-Life Balance? Take Risk or Play it Safe? Start Family or Wait? Live Life for Me or for my Kids? Etc. 11
Bottom-Line Know Thyself and Thy Environment, EXECUTE and OWN your Happiness 12