It is the process of selecting specific market segments on which to concentrate the marketing effort. This requires the analysis of 4 aspects present in each market segment which are 1. The market 2. The company 3. The competition 4. The customer
In other words dose the company want to pressure this segment,dose it have the resources to create a sustainable competitive advantage. After analyzing these critical aspects a segment attractiveness study is performed Different market segments are compared to each other. Then targeting should focus on segments of high importance & high chance of success
The analyzed segments may be ranked according to 1. Superiority 2. Equivalence 3. Inferiority With focusing on the first two
It is the act of designing the company’s offer so that it occupies a distinct &valued place in the mind of the target customers It is the process of adjusting and presenting a product in a way so that it is the most attractive option for the customer
The sum of mental connections between the consumer and a) Features b) Feelings c) Price & value d) Problems that can be solves e) Use f) Competition promised with the offering
A good product positioning achieves 1. The creation of a unique selling proposition when matching the core and augmented product features to get the ideal combination 2. This combination must fit the company’s overall strategy.
Positioning errors 1. Positioning in a crowded segment 2. Positioning on an unimportant attribute 3. Inflexible positioning In this case a careful repositioning is necessary
Any name term sign symbol or design or a combination, intended to identify goods or services of one seller and to differentiate them from those of the competition
It is the selection of positive promotional statement as well as negative statements that are used in support of the chosen targeting and positioning strategies.