Patterns of Life
Executive Summary The Caste System Marriage Women’s Lives
The Caste System The caste system is built upon the idea that there are separate kinds of humans The higher the caste your born into, the closer you are to Moksha, or a state of union with the brahman (universe) Each caste has its own occupation(s) that the people can have Each caste has a set of rules or dharma that dictate what the individual members can do and not do
The Caste System Have to marry within your own caste No mobility within the caste system The lower castes would have to bang pots together or ring bells in order to “warn” upper caste members of their presence; for the shadow of an outcast could not even touch a Brahman
Marriage Arranged marriage within one’s caste Many brides / grooms meet on their wedding day Very young brides marry much older men
Women’s Lives Marry, wait on husband, and bear sons When widowed, a woman would go into purdah, or isolation from other men Some women would jump on their husband’s funeral pyre and die versus live in isolation. This is known as sati