Chemical Regulation Stimuli Glands Secrete Hormones Response Function of the Endocrine System….
Includes: Endocrine glands and their hormones
Endocrine glands secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream Hormones are chemical messengers that cause other body parts to respond
Hormones are very specific and can only bind to the receptors of target cells or tissues
- Releases secretions that control all the other glands. Turned on by the hypothalamus. (part of the brain) Growth hormone (hGH) Stimulates the growth of long bones Also regulates other glands #3 Pituitary- the ‘master gland’
Pituitary Gland cont. Luteinizing hormone (LH) Causes release of egg cells. Controls production of sex hormones in men and women Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) Function: stimulates production of egg and sperm cells
Growth Hormone Diseases Hypersecretion (too much secretion) Giantism- excessive growth about normal size Andre the Giant (7’4” 500 lbs)
Hyposecretion (too little secretion) Dwarfism– person doesn’t grow taller than 4 feet
#4 Thyroid Thyroxin - Regulates Metabolism Calcitonin - Regulates blood calcium levels MOOOO!!!
Thyroxin Diseases Hypersecretion- nervousness, weightloss, sleeplessness Hyposecretion: Mental retardation, weight gain
Goiters A swelling of the thyroid gland Caused by iodine deficiency
#5 Parathyroid Parathormone Function: Controls calcium metabolism Necessary for normal nerve and muscle function, blood clotting, healthy bones and teeth
Parathormone Diseases Hyposecretion: Nerve disorders, brittle bones, clotting problems
Cortisone and Adrenaline Function: Cortisone: regulates nutrient metabolism Adrenaline: increases heart rate and breathing- handles sudden stress #7 Adrenal
Adrenaline Disease Hyposecretion: inability to deal with stress Cortisone Disease Hypersecretion: Cushing’s disease (high blood glucose, excess fat) Hyposecretion: Addison’s disease (low blood glucose, weight loss)
Hormones: Insulin and Glucagon Insulin: stimulates uptake of glucose by cells. Glucagon: converts glycogen to glucose #8- Pancreas
Insulin Disorders Hypersecretion: Low blood sugar Hyposecretion: diabetes (high blood sugar) Glucagon Disorders High blood sugar
Estrogen Stimulates development of female reproductive system and sex characteristics ex: Wider hips, breasts, menstrual cycle #9 Ovaries
#10 Testes Testosterone Stimulates development of male reproductive system and sex characteristics ex: deep voice, beard, body hair
Feedback Mechanisms A feedback mechanism occurs when the level of one substance influences the level of another substance or activity of another organ. (chain of reactions) It can increase the production of something (positive feedback) or it can decrease or stop the production of something (negative feedback)
Internal feedback system that regulates the endocrine system (controls the amount of hormones in the blood) Works like a thermostat in your home. The room is maintained at a certain temp. When the temp. drops the heat kicks in. When it starts to get hot it slows production. *** This helps to maintain homeostasis
high blood sugar pancreas secretes more insulin low blood sugar pancreas secretes less insulin