Meet Colon and Semicolon
Using a colon in an essay If a quotation, evidence, or Concrete Detail is preceded by plenty of detail/context, then use a colon to separate the complete thought and the evidence. Klutter’s Kobras are known to bully and physically harm students: “Practically every guy in school could show you his scars. …lumps, lacerations, blue bruises…” (7).
Using a colon with a list 1. If a list is preceded by a complete thought (a.k.a. an independent clause), then use a colon to separate the complete thought and list. While Klutter’s Kobras wear black plastic windbreakers, the leader, Monk, wears an outfit that stands apart from the rest of the gang: a suede jacket, ostrich-skin boots, and fitted jeans. Notice that the part before the colon could be its own sentence.
Using a colon in a letter When writing a formal letter, use a colon. A formal letter is one to the President, Principal, teacher, or mayor. Dear Mr. Calen:
The semicolon— ;
Semicolon between complete thoughts Use a semicolon between complete thoughts (a.k.a. independent clauses) if they are not joined by a conjunction: and, but, for, nor, or, so, yet. Example- Many believe Al is innocent because the two pigs he ate for dinner were already dead; I agree with this opinion.
Semicolons in a list Semicolons are used between items in a series when the items contain commas Example- Over summer vacation, Marley visited Phoenix, Arizona; Sante Fe, New Mexico; and San Antonio, Texas.