Numeracy Introduction
Question 1 What is longer? A Kilometre B Mile
What is heavier A pound or B a kilogramme? Question 2
Question 3 What is more A: a litre or B: a pint?
Question 4 What is longer? A: a yard or B: a metre
Question 5 How is a kilogramme measured? A: a 1cm by 1cm by 1cm cube of gold B: a litre of water
Question 6 How was a yard devised? A: It was the distance across St Paul’s basilica divided by 100. B. It was the distance from tip of thumb to tip of nose of Henry I of England
Question 7 How was a metre devised? A: The highest point on Notre dame Cathedral is 100m from the ground. B. It is one ten millionth distance from either pole to the equator.
Question 8 How many cubic cm are there in a cubic metre? A: 100 B: 1,000,000