World History Text: World History 4 th Edition Duiker/Spielvogel
Time BC (before Christ) – counts backwards from the birth of Christ AD (anno domini) – translation – in the year of the birth of Christ = year 1 –Western/Christian time reference B.C.E. – (before the common era) C.E. – (common era) - same time reference as above; however, used by world historians - politically correct
Calendars Western Calendar/Gregorian Calendar –Named after Pope Gregory XIII in 1582 C.E Hebrew Calendar – Year 1 = 3760 B.C.E. –Considered by the Jewish as the date of the creation of the world Islamic Calendar - Year 1 = 622 C.E. –The day Muhammad fled Mecca
Themes of Understanding World History Political Systems - structures of society Role of Ideas – power and movements Economics and History – meeting of needs/trade Social Life and Gender Issue – class structures/family The Importance of Culture – High/Pop culture Religion in History – spread/impact/changes to culture The Role of Individuals – man makes history The Impact of Science and Technology – innovations The Environment and History – human impacts The Migration of People – why people move
Multiple Perspectives How do we see things? Activity: Add perspectives slides assignment
Map Activity Activity: Draw a world map with as many continents, countries, and oceans/waterways as possible! Discussion – using map perspectives –Traditional Euro-centric view points –Broadening personal and cultural perspectives
What is a bias? Definition – Assignment provide examples of who you are – bring in documents that exemplify who and what you are. Try to obtain different perspectives on your identity.
Bias Continued How do we find biases in oral and written communication and documentation. Activity: Provide documents using Concept Attainment have students discover different elements leading to bias and perspective.
Things to consider to find bias! Author – ethnicity, gender –What is coloring or influencing the author? Audience – who is the work intended for? The 5 W’s Loaded Words – best underlined »Best used with DBQ – Document Based Questions