Joint Syria-Egypt plans of Attack - Jimmy, Aaron
Re-establishment of cordial relations Collaboration between the two states began after a change in Egypt’s foreign policy. Collaboration between the two states began after a change in Egypt’s foreign policy. Egypt had distanced itself from the USSR and expelled all Soviet delegates. This created the misconception by the Israeli and the USA that without Soviet aid, Egypt was weak. Egypt had distanced itself from the USSR and expelled all Soviet delegates. This created the misconception by the Israeli and the USA that without Soviet aid, Egypt was weak. Anwar Sadat began to build bridges with the other Arab states. - Firstly, he helped resolve the dispute between Syria and Jordan (Kings Hussein’s expulsion of the PLO) Anwar Sadat began to build bridges with the other Arab states. - Firstly, he helped resolve the dispute between Syria and Jordan (Kings Hussein’s expulsion of the PLO) In private Sadat and Hafez al-Assad began to prepare for war with Israel In private Sadat and Hafez al-Assad began to prepare for war with Israel
Prelude Sadat was annoyed by Israel’s stubbornness and refusal to negotiate. (speech of attempted break of deadlock over the 3 No’s) War was the only option left Sadat was annoyed by Israel’s stubbornness and refusal to negotiate. (speech of attempted break of deadlock over the 3 No’s) War was the only option left hoping he would gain prestige+ regain territories (Suez Canal+ Sinai Peninsula) hoping he would gain prestige+ regain territories (Suez Canal+ Sinai Peninsula) Assad had similar aims and also wanted prestige as his power had not yet been consolidated (planned to win back Golan Heights) Assad had similar aims and also wanted prestige as his power had not yet been consolidated (planned to win back Golan Heights)
Prelude Resolution to quarrel between Jordan and Syria Resolution to quarrel between Jordan and Syria Tripartite Agreement- (Egypt, Jordan, Syria) Tripartite Agreement- (Egypt, Jordan, Syria) Israel’s ally (USA) was distracted by the Vietnam war, political scandals during Nixon’s presidency (watergate) Perfect time for invasion as Israel not ready Israel’s ally (USA) was distracted by the Vietnam war, political scandals during Nixon’s presidency (watergate) Perfect time for invasion as Israel not ready
Prelude Israel still believed Egypt was weak as Egypt kept a stream of false information, Israel still believed Egypt was weak as Egypt kept a stream of false information, E.g. reporting lack of spare parts E.g. reporting lack of spare parts Expected support from US, international community(after Munich ’72 massacre) Expected support from US, international community(after Munich ’72 massacre) Israeli intelligence dismissed warning signs
Israel’s lack of intelligence Israel’s lack of intelligence Due to the Egyptian army training exercise on adjacent to the Suez canal, the Israeli’s saw this as no threat. They also ignored the Syrian troop movements towards the border as they still believed they would not attack without Egypt
Yom Kippur War 2:00, 6 October Operation Badr Egypt + Syria launch attack on Israeli troops in Sinai+ Golan Heights SIMOULTANEOUSLY 2:00, 6 October Operation Badr Egypt + Syria launch attack on Israeli troops in Sinai+ Golan Heights SIMOULTANEOUSLY It was on one of the holiest days in the Jewish calendar, the entire state was at a standstill and more vulnreable as soldiers go home on this day It was on one of the holiest days in the Jewish calendar, the entire state was at a standstill and more vulnreable as soldiers go home on this day The Egyptian and Syrian forces were supplied with Soviet arms. Most notably surface-air missles+ anti-tank rockets (Israeli airforce+tanks suffered dire consequences) The Egyptian and Syrian forces were supplied with Soviet arms. Most notably surface-air missles+ anti-tank rockets (Israeli airforce+tanks suffered dire consequences)