Comparing US Immigration, Past and Present: How are Modern Immigrants to the U.S. Different and Similar from the Immigrants of the Early 1900's? By:Christina Ebert
Grade level - Time frame High School Juniors - 11th Grade Two 45 minute class periods and 30 minutes of homework for each of the 2 nights
Objectives History Standard 2 Understand major trends, key turning points,and the roles of influential individuals and groups in U.S. history from the Civil War to World War I. 2E Understand the composition and significance of late 19 th century immigration. 2K Describes the obstacles,opportunities, and contributions of immigrants.
Web sites for the homework assignments: 1st night: Answer the questions from Myths & Realities Immigration Quiz entlens/newamericans/new americans.html 2nd night: Answer the questions given in class using the information from the U.S. Census for 2003 at the following web site: echdoc/cpsmar03.pdf.
Assessment Guidelines: Day One: Write a paragraph to evaluate how much information about immigration that you really knew, and mention the facts that you were wrong about after answering the Myths & Realities Immigration Quiz. Fill out the table with the information from the quiz.
Assessment Guidelines: Day Two: The 2nd homework assignment questions will be turned in individually and graded by the teacher. Using the information from those questions write a one page report about the group of immigrants that seem to need the most help in integrating themselves to the American way of life, and give ideas about how that group can be helped.
Assessment Guidelines: Final Task to Complete Assignment Compare today's immigrants to the immigrants of the 1900's and make a synthesis of the similarities and differences of both groups. by using a table format, a check off list, or pictures.
Conclusion: Has immigration changed in the U.S. from the 1900's to the present? How has it changed and what are the present challenges?
Lesson Plan: New Vocabulary Old immigrants New immigrants New Americans Foreign-born World region population Native population
Contributions of Ethnic groups Ethnic group Irish american German american Russian Jewish Hispanic american Food or Music PotatoesBrats, Sauer- Kraut BrisketSalsa, tacos Fajitas Customs St.Patrick's Day October- Fest Hanukah5 th of May Famous members Henry Ford Albert Einstein Henry Kissinger Oscar De la Renta
Questions for the 2003 Population Survey 1. - How many foreign-born people live in the U.S.?____________ 2. - What is the percentage of foreign-born represented in the U.S. population?_________ 3. - What part or region of the world is represented most on the pie graph?_____________________ Looking at the graph what are the percentages of the other world regions?___________________
Questions for the 2003 Population Survey 4. - What is the percentage of Latin American foreign born compared to the native population? __________ 5. - Has the citizenship of the foreign-born increased or decreased? ________________ Give percentage of 3 decades:_____________ Why do you think that before 1970 there was an 80.9 citizenship rate?_____________________ 6. - Comparing the foreign-born to native population which age group are most of the foreign born?___
Questions for the 2003 Population Survey 7. - Which age group of male and female foreign born make up the biggest group?___ 8. - Which percentage of foreign-born are under the age of 18 compared to the native population?_________________________ 9. - Which two world regions have populations aged 18 to 64 compared to the native population?_________________________
Questions for the 2003 Population Survey What percentage of foreign-born aged 65 and over is from Europe compared to native population? ____________________ What is the marital status of the foreign- born compared to the native population? What do they have less of than the native population?__________________________
Questions for the 2003 Population Survey Which world region population has less than a 9th Grade education compared to the native population?_________________ Which world region has the most foreign-born population with a Bachelor's degree or higher and which region has the lowest?_____________________________ Which world region has the highest unemployment?___________________________
Questions for the 2003 Population Survey 15.- Which two world regions have the highest earnings of $50,000 or more._________________ Which has the least?___________________ 16.- Which world region earns less than $20,000 for year round, full-time work? __________________ 17.- Which world region lives below the poverty level?________________________ 18.- What residence area of the U.S. has the largest foreign-born population? ______________ 19.- In what regions of the U.S do most of the foreign-born live? _______________
Compare Pictures Picture A Picture B
Picture A Picture B 1.- Is this a recent picture or one from the early 1900’s?______________ 2.- Why do you think so?___________ 3.- What ethnic group does this picture represent?___ 4.- What do you think is the age group of these people shown in this picture? ____________________ 5.- Describe the picture in detail.________________ 1.- Is this a modern picture or one from the early 1900's?______________ 2.- Why do you think so?___________ 3.- What ethnic group does this picture represent?_____________ 4.- Do you think this family is poor or rich?_________ 5.- What do they need to do to integrate themselves in the American way of life?__________________
Detail of Picture B 1. Can you tell what world region is the costume from?________________ 2. What kind of music is she dancing for?___________ 3. Why do people perform regional dances?________ 4. Why is culture important to people?_____________ 5. Do ethnic groups in the U.S. preserve their traditions? ____________
Check Off List about Immigrants Topic:from the 1900's Modern or Present Legal Status Young Age group Good Education Works too many hours Low Wages or Salary High Unemployment College Education
Bibliography Database Independentlens: The New Americans “Take The Immigration Myths and Realities Quiz.” 2004( ricans/quiz.html ( July 12,2007) Database U.S. Census Bureau “ A profile of The Foreign-Born Population in the United States: 2003” Adress: demo/foreign/slides.html (July 12,2007)
Supplementary Materials: Theme Booklets Pile, Murray. National Geographic’s Theme Sets”Immigration to the U.S.” 2005 National Geographic Society.Washington D.C. Picture A Hine's 1905 photograph of an 344 x k - jpg ine1905ItalianFamily.jpg
Picture B: East High School Folkloric Dance Group, Rockford, Il Hispanic students in costumes performed regional dances from Jalisco, Mexico. The folkloric dances are performed with Mariachi music. The state of Jalisco is known for the Mariachi music, the drink of tequila and the proud spirit of the Mexican “charro”.