1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS-II Overview Steve Dierker Associate Laboratory Director for Light Sources NSLS-II Project Director NSLS-II PAC Meeting.


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Presentation transcript:

1 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS-II Overview Steve Dierker Associate Laboratory Director for Light Sources NSLS-II Project Director NSLS-II PAC Meeting November 20, 2007

2 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Progress Since Previous PAC Meeting Summary Completed preliminary design Completed internal design reviews Finalized Performance Baseline Successfully completed DOE reviews for CD-2 Which required…. Hired 59 staffDec-Nov Finalized lattice design & footprintMay Selected six project beamlinesMay Carried out Advanced Conceptual DesignJan-June Developed cost & scheduleJune-August CD-1 approval July 12 Carried out Preliminary Engineering DesignJuly-Nov Awarded A/E contract to HDRAugust Awarded CM contract to Gilbane/LiroSeptember Established Performance BaselineOct Documented design in Preliminary Design ReportNov and many other efforts by many talented, dedicated team members….

3 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Reviews & Workshops Since Previous PAC Meeting User WorkshopJuly Seven Accelerator Technical Design ReviewsAug/Sep Comprehensive Project Design ReviewSep Advisory Committee MeetingsSep/Oct SC Mini-reviewSep 28 OECM EVMS Certification ReviewOct 1-5 OECM External Independent ReviewNov 5-9 SC Independent Project ReviewNov 6-9 Results of all reviews are assigned for action and tracked to closure

4 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS-II User Workshop (July 17-18) More than 450 attendees from 130 different institutions OSTP: John Marburger DOE: Pat Dehmer (BES) Pedro Montano (BES) Susan Gregurick (BER) NIH: Charles Edmonds (NIGMS) Alan McLaughlin (NIBIB) Michael Marron (NCRR) Amy Swain (NCRR) NSF: Guebre Tessema Pat Dehmer announcing the award of CD-1 John Marburger addressing the audience

5 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES NSLS-II User Workshop First Day Plenary Session Described conceptual design and status of project Highlight talks on physical and life sciences and user access models Described process for beamline development at NSLS-II Described Joint Photon Sciences Institute Described plans for transitioning from NSLS to NSLS-II Second Day Breakout Sessions Technique-based Sessions Hard x-ray Nanoprobe Soft Coherent Scattering and Imaging Powder Diffraction Macromolecular Crystallography Liquid Interfaces Inelastic X-ray Scattering Hard Coherent and XPCS/SAXS XAFS Bio-SAXS Photoemission Spectroscopy Science-based Sessions Life Sciences Catalysis Environmental Science High-Pressure Strongly Correlated Electrons Magnetism Radiometry and Metrology Soft Condensed Matter

6 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES IPR/EIR/ICR Findings and Resolutions SC Independent Project Review; 36 technical experts and scientists, comprehensive scope including technical, cost, schedule and management Ready for CD-2 following evaluation of contingency allocation Increased TPC to $912M ; assigned contingency for OPC OECM External Independent Review/Independent Cost Review; 10 project management experts; 18 lines of inquiry with expanded cost review Deliverables and Key Performance Parameters (KPP’S) at CD-4 Modified KPPs and described baseline scope delivered at CD-4 Risk assessment and bases for cost contingency Improved linkage of risk assessment to cost contingency Baseline documentation, assumption, milestones, logic ties Addressed documentation issues Basis for design maturity Completed IPR review of preliminary design Actions to address all 9 major findings are complete 5 out of 12 findings and 11 out of 45 observations also complete, with plan and schedule defined for resolving rest

7 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES CD-4 & Key Performance Parameters CD-4 (June, 2015): To be granted upon 1) Delivering the scope specified in the WBS Dictionary 2) Meeting these Threshold Key Performance Parameters: Accelerator Facilities Electron Energy = 3.0 GeV Stored Current = 25 mA Conventional Facilites Building Area = 340,000 gross square feet Experimental Facilities Beamlines installed and ready for commissioning with x-ray beam = 6


9 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Project Staffing Profile CD-1: headcount was 84 (37 project staff, 34 MOU, 13 contractor staff) CD-2: headcount is 156 (96 project staff, 52 MOU, 8 contractor staff) 24 open requisitions – many candidates identified; interviews ongoing Work plan for FY08 requires 154 FTEs CD-2 CD-1


11 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Response to PAC Recommendations Schedule and conduct presentations on the plans and accomplishments of the HR and Procurement groups Seek LDRD funds in FY08 to fund early start activities on JPSI Continue search and recruiting efforts for a permanent Experimental Facilities Division Director Schedule presentations by the interface managers for the next meeting, specifically to discuss their role in the project and what tools they plan to use Establish requirements for change control in the Configuration Management Plan, including those for the CCB Schedule a Cost and Schedule Review of the Project Schedule and conduct design reviews for subsystems Review the "key performance parameters" to be included in the project execution plan, specifically regarding the number of beamlines to be delivered

12 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Response to PAC Recommendations Consider making minor changes in the geometry of the storage ring tunnel design to accommodate future very long straight sections, and including them in the CD-2 cost estimate The need for a full concrete slab under the storage ring structure should be revisited with the option to provide concrete pedestals only below the supports Consider WBS location, funding, and management of R&D to link it clearly to construction needs Consider the level of involvement required by XFD staff in the development and testing of a prototype in-vacuum undulator Consider an aggressive approach to early procurement of AE and related consultant services as soon as the funds are made available Consider options for locating operations staff and NSLS-II upper management in the Operations Center

13 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Response to PAC Recommendations A full technical specification should be prepared by ASD & XFD for the needs of various subsystems, translated to functional specifications of the CF structures and requirements, and. All three DDs and interface managers should agree and sign such a specification document (in blood) along with project director or his deputy. The PAC strongly urges all three divisions to collectively organize ‘value engineering’ workshops and find solutions that are adequate to meet the functions and save on costs Consider a closer examination of the technical specifications of the initial project beamlines, and seek BAT input NSLS-II should be proactive in organizing the community to plan the science program. The suggested “BAT Council” could help in this effort. Funds should be allocated to support travel of these groups to user meetings and additional workshops.

14 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Response to PAC Recommendations The PAC is concerned about prospects for support and integration of beamlines for life & environmental sciences. As the MIE mechanism does not seem to be available for biological sciences, it is important that NSLS-II play an active role in developing alternative funding sources and beamline development programs to engage this community from the outset. NSLS-II should insure that policies for BAT beamtime allocation, particularly for non-BES funded BATs retain some flexibility for tailoring to meet the needs of particular sponsors or programs Prepare a formal process to encourage highest quality user participation in MIE funding calls for additional beamlines XFD R&D personnel should be managed by the WBS task groups, in this case beamline groups, not by R&D groups Consider recasting the WBS for the XFD to reflect deliverable subsystems

15 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Key Milestones In 2008 And Early 2009 Deliver 30% Title II designFeb 15, 2008 Deliver 60% Title II designMay 15, 2008 Select BATs for Project beamlinesMay 15, 2008 Award Construction Management contractMay 15, 2008 See CD-0 for MIE beamlinesJun 15, 2008 Deliver 90% Title II designJuly 14, 2008 Complete Title II final designSep 12, 2008 Ring Building Procurement Package out for bidOct 13, 2008 Begin Site PreparationOct 31, 2008 Site preparation completeJan 6, 2009 CD-3 – Approve Start of ConstructionJan 15, 2009 Storage Ring Magnet Design CompleteFeb 26, 2009 Issue Ring Building Notice to ProceedJun 3, 2009

16 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Goals for FY08 Resolve major outstanding preliminary design issues Complete the final design Prepare the project team to successfully transition from design to construction Establish BATs for project beamlines and seek CD-0 for MIE beamlines

17 BROOKHAVEN SCIENCE ASSOCIATES Charge to Committee Assess the adequacy of the proposed construction management approach for conventional facilities Assess the planned construction approach for the technical systems Assess the appropriateness of the planned organization and staffing for carrying out construction Comment on the strategy and plans for procurement of both conventional and technical systems Comment on plans for ensuring safety is fully integrated into design and effectively managed during construction Comment on key outstanding design issues that must be resolved before commencing final design Assess plans for beamline development and scientific strategic planning