M. Gheata ALICE offline week, 24 June 2009
A new analysis train macro was designed for production /ANALYSIS/macros/AnalysisTrainNew.C /ANALYSIS/macros/AnalysisTrainNew.C Usable also to test and run single tasks !!! It allows easy configuration based on flags Select ESD or AOD input type, use of MC ▪ Usage of tags, production of AOD’s, … Same macro run locally, in PROOF or GRID ▪ Specific PROOF settings and GRID submission parameters using the latest plug-in features Wagons are added to the train simply via flags (in Config.C style)
ConfigTas kVertexing AddTask Protons AddTask Protons AddTask Protons AliAnalysisT askProtons iPWG2spectra AddTask Jets AliAnalysisT askJets iJETAN AddTask Vertexing AliAnalysisTas kVertexingHF iPWG3vertxing … iAODanalysis = 0 iAODhandler = 1 iESDfilter = 1 … useMC = kTRUE useTAGS = kTRUE useAODtags = kTRUE … Setup datasets Load libraries and form the train Attach event handlers Setup plugin Save configuration Run train
A uniform style (described on the web) was finally adopted by most PWG tasks Creating a task object and the required data containers Applying the task configuration ▪ In the same macro or using an additional configuration file Adding the task in the existing train ▪ Not allowed to create the analysis manager or handlers ! Allow easier maintenance of the train (ideally kept unmodified) We regularly test the train and push people to maintain these macros in working condition People should really check their consistency ! Simple future policy: what does not work is switched off…
The train exports and is able to import the current configuration used Production configurations in SVN: ConfigTrain.C (we will need several) Allows replaying the analysis and tracing back configurations The train can run over a full production in one go Possible to tune number of runs per master job, splitting level and several other parameters Submitting of jobs is balanced to keep a constant load on the batch queue
22useKFILTER = 1; 23useTR = 1; 24useCORRFW = 0; 25useAODTAGS = 1; 26saveTrain = kFALSE; 27 28// Analysis modules 29iAODanalysis = 0; 30iAODhandler = 1; 31iESDfilter = 1; 32iMUONcopyAOD = 0; 33iJETAN = 1; 34iPWG4partcorr = 1; 35iPWG4gammaconv = 0; 36iPWG2femto = 1; 37iPWG2spectra = 1; 38iPWG2flow = 1; 39iPWG2res = 0; 40iPWG2kink = 1; 41iPWG2unicor = 1; 42iPWG2evchar = 1; 43} 1{ 2 train_name = "train_LHC09a5"; 3 proof_cluster = "alicecaf.cern.ch"; 4useAFPAR = 0; 6usePLUGIN = 1; 7usePAR = 0; 8useCPAR = 0; 9root_version = "v "; 10aliroot_version = "v "; 11 alien_datadir = "/alice/sim/PDC_09/LHC09a5/"; 12 alien_outdir = "/alice/sim/PDC_09/LHC09a5/A OD"; 13maxMergeFiles = 50; 14 mergeExclude = "AliAOD.root AliAOD.VertexingHF.root AOD.tag.root"; 15nRunsPerMaster = 10; 16nFilesPerJob = 100; 17run_range[0] = 90000; 18run_range[1] = 90040; 19useDBG = 0; 20useMC = 1; 21useTAGS = 0;
Analysis code changing very fast -> regular checks using the HEAD Most bugs found running locally on a single ESD. In case of problems, we notify the responsible and ask for a fix Please be cooperative Then we send a small job on few runs, using the latest available tag in AliEn Very frequent tags based on the HEAD (ideally weekly) that allow avoiding par files
Already exercised on LHC09a4 to a6 21 tasks in the train (few others already connected but not in production yet): ▪ 4 core tasks (filters, tag creator) ▪ 13 PWG2, 1 PWG3, 3 PWG4 ▪ 55Mio events processed, 2750 AOD’s (+vertexing HF dAOD) summing about 1Tbyte ▪ 1AOD ~ 300MB, 1delta AOD~20MB (after reduction from A.Dainese) Success rate between 50% an 80% (depending on the production size and several other grid issues) Several lessons related to submission
Regularly assemble and run the production train Train content will be decided on Monday morning meetings Train run as aliprod writing the outputs in a common place (in the production directory) New tasks have to provide an AddTask macro that can be tested – let us know For the existing tasks, do not forget to notify after format or configuration changes The analysis train is now ready for the production phase !