MaPMT Readout with boardBeetle: First Experiences Beetle User meeting, Zürich, Stephan Eisenhardt University of Edinburgh Testbeam experiences: boardBeetle: multichannel
2 Beetle User meeting, Zürich, Stephan Eisenhardt boardBeetle: Events o Thu : first ever boardBeetle 1.2 finished and shipped to Edinburgh o Thu : first ever LED light signals via DAQ chain (boardBeetle 1.2) success!! o Sun Sun : testbeam o Sun : tuning of setup for Cherenkov light & first Cherenkov photons with one boardBeetle 1.2 o Thu : tuning of read-out map for right geometry match & first ring of Cherenkov photons success!! o Tue Sat : data taking for: Air, N 2,CF 4 for cluster of 9 MaPMT (Beetle 1.2) o Sun : mount of cluster with 6 MaPMT (Beetle 1.2MA0) lenses, DC-offsets,… ring fragments
3 Beetle User meeting, Zürich, Stephan Eisenhardt Zoom on probe-tested Chip marks of probe needles made some problems at bonding - but finally it worked
4 Beetle User meeting, Zürich, Stephan Eisenhardt Equipped boardBeetle 10x8 PGAs (2 rows GND pins) Level 0: “back side” Level 5: “front side” preamp,analog, digital, comparator GND connections pitch adapterBeetle chip protective plastic cap buffer capacities and terminators 4x differential amplifiers 4x differential line drivers 4x single ended probe pins power SEQSI & I2C 4x differential out I2C address 4x pot for DC offset
5 Beetle User meeting, Zürich, Stephan Eisenhardt Cluster Setup base plate for mounting and grounding Cambridge bleeder board 5x boardBeetle with Beetle dynode stage MaPMT grounding points slits to access potentiometers mounting holes for lens mount mounting holes for mount to vessel HV point rotation of 4 bleeder chains
6 Beetle User meeting, Zürich, Stephan Eisenhardt Cluster Setup: vessel boardBeetle base plate pivot point MaPMT bleeder board photon direction
7 Beetle User meeting, Zürich, Stephan Eisenhardt Cluster Setup: with lenses
8 Beetle User meeting, Zürich, Stephan Eisenhardt Interface Board is missing… 3.3V power line for LVDS fan-out boards designed position of interface board daisy chain of power cables 5x LVDS fan out boards I2C bus 2 cable trees to distribute LVDS signals to boardBeetles
9 Beetle User meeting, Zürich, Stephan Eisenhardt Pre-Testbeam Results o using Heidelberg board at Edinburgh –noise –signal loss –comparison Beetle 1.2 / Beetle 1.2 MA0 o using boardBeetle at Edinburgh –first spectra –comparison Beetle 1.2 / Beetle 1.2 MA0 –saturation
10 Beetle User meeting, Zürich, Stephan Eisenhardt Comparison using Heidelberg Board 8-dynode/Beetle1.212-dynode/BeetleMA0 less common mode noise Noise 1.3 ADC Noise 1.0 ADC
11 Beetle User meeting, Zürich, Stephan Eisenhardt Signal Loss Study Becki Cikoski, Edinburgh MSc Student
12 Beetle User meeting, Zürich, Stephan Eisenhardt First Spectra with boardBeetle before CM correction after CM correction Beetle 1.2: 800V =1.02 Beetle 1.2: 900V =1.06 Beetle 1.2MA0: 800V =0.55 Beetle 1.2MA0: 900V =0.55 Beetle 1.2: 800V =0.77 Beetle 1.2: 900V =0.78 Beetle 1.2MA0: 800V =0.51 Beetle 1.2MA0: 900V =0.53 Saturation at half the dynamic range: present before the FED!
13 Beetle User meeting, Zürich, Stephan Eisenhardt Saturation o A) differential amplifier –gain 10 seems too much for our signals –easy fix: gain 5 remove serial 50 ètotal gain maintained èdynamic range doubled o B) FED –Edinburgh FED was configured single-ended, unipolar –conversion to differential OK, but still unipolar (no level shifters), i.e. 0…0.75V instead of –0.75…0.75V 8-bit 7-bit reduction o … at least the two devices match…
14 Beetle User meeting, Zürich, Stephan Eisenhardt Preliminary Testbeam Results o first measurements with cluster: 8 8-dynode MaPMT & 5 Beetle1.2 –data frames, LED light, adjustment of pixel map, first Cherenkov ring o timing optimisation o noise level and CM suppression –cluster of 8-dynode MaPMT & Beetle1.2 –half cluster of 12-dynode MaPMT & Beetle1.2MA0 o study of cross-talk from header to first channel o application in RICH: photon yields: –Air: 960 mbar –N 2 : 960 mbar –CF 4 : 80 mbar, 800 mbar
15 Beetle User meeting, Zürich, Stephan Eisenhardt Data Frames sampled charge Channel ID sampled charge Channel ID cluster of 6 Beetle1.2zoom to 2 nd Beetle1.2 data frame header bits pedestals Cherenkov photons signal signature of a full ring
16 Beetle User meeting, Zürich, Stephan Eisenhardt LED Light o o 8 8-dynode MaPMTs – –6 new + 2 existing – –all working – –HV = 800 V o o 5 boardBeetle 1.2 – –all working o o Analysis – –in progress – –gain variation look okay
17 Beetle User meeting, Zürich, Stephan Eisenhardt First Cherenkov Light o o 8 MaPMTs – –no lenses – –HV = 800 V o o Cherenkov Ring – –Air 960 mbar – –3.6 pixels / event with 5 sigma cut – –from raw data
18 Beetle User meeting, Zürich, Stephan Eisenhardt Timing of Beam Photons o adjusted average timing between beam photons and Beetle clock –25ns jitter –measured by TDC o aim to sample at peak of signal –adjustment for average by cable delay 25ns delay: +0nsdelay: +10ns delay: +20nsdelay: +28ns sampled charge t [ns] 25ns
19 Beetle User meeting, Zürich, Stephan Eisenhardt Result of Timing Optimisation o made from Cherenkov Ring –Air 960 mbar –no lenses –HV = 800 V –8 8-stage MaPMTs –5 Beetle 1.2 o narrow distribution –as one expects –indicates shape of analog pulse signals at sampler in the Beetle (in average) additional delay t [ns] photons / event +18ns: final run condition
20 Beetle User meeting, Zürich, Stephan Eisenhardt Noise in Beetle1.2 o final noise level –after DC-offset tuning –after tuning of timing o full cluster –6 boardBeetle1.2 –9 8-stage MaPMT o from pedestal run –before CM correction è low (1.0…1.5 ADC) èno CM problem è uniform offsets
21 Beetle User meeting, Zürich, Stephan Eisenhardt CM Suppression in Beam Run o from CF 4 beam run –HV= 800V –cluster of 8-stage MaPMT with Beetle1.2 o without cross-talk suppression –pedestals of ring pixels broadened background raw =1.16 background corrected =0.86 ring center raw =1.56 ring center corrected =1.18
22 Beetle User meeting, Zürich, Stephan Eisenhardt Noise in Beetle1.2MA0 o final noise level –after DC-offset tuning –after tuning of timing o half cluster –3 boardBeetle1.2MA0 –6 12-stage MaPMT o from pedestal run –before CM correction è lower for charge divider (1.0 ADC) è even lower for attenuator (0.5 ADC) è uniform offsets
23 Beetle User meeting, Zürich, Stephan Eisenhardt Cross-talk from Header to First Channel o clear correlation of pedestal of first channel with state of last header bit: –header high –header low o due to daisy chain of power cables: –voltage drop along chain èthe lower the voltage, the more pronounced the sensitivity to the header 2.51V2.50V 2.49V2.48V 2.47V2.46V
24 Beetle User meeting, Zürich, Stephan Eisenhardt Single Events o Cherenkov photons, CF 4 800mbar: 8-stage MaPMT, Beetle1.2; with lenses, -900V from raw data with cross-talk cut on left or right neighbour
25 Beetle User meeting, Zürich, Stephan Eisenhardt Cherenkov Rings I o Cherenkov photons, CF 4 800mbar: 8-stage MaPMT, Beetle1.2; with lenses, -900V from raw datawith cross-talk cut on left or right neighbour beam: -10 GeV mostly photons/evt6.5 photons/evt
26 Beetle User meeting, Zürich, Stephan Eisenhardt Cherenkov Rings II o Cherenkov photons, CF 4 80mbar: 8-stage MaPMT, Beetle1.2; with lenses, -900V from raw datawith cross-talk cut on left or right neighbour beam: -10 GeV - and e photons/evt0.21 photons/evt
27 Beetle User meeting, Zürich, Stephan Eisenhardt Preliminary Photon Yield o photon yields from raw data: –no CM correction –no cross-talk correction –9 8-stage MaPMT – full ring (N 2 : only 8 tubes) –Beetle1.2 –with lenses –’99 result CM corrected
28 Beetle User meeting, Zürich, Stephan Eisenhardt Conclusions o o the testbeam was a success: – –Beetle1.2 & 8-stage MaPMT work – –noise excellent, almost no CM – –preliminary photon yields look OK – –further analysis is ongoing o o issues: – –Beetle1.2MA0 not fully tested – –binary readout only started – –source of cross-talk – –no new data till review o o Thanks to all the people who made this result possible!!!