The Earth’s Spheres 1. Land (Lithosphere) 2. Water (Hydrosphere) 3. Air (Atmosphere) *** 4. Life (Biosphere) ***
The Earth’s Spheres
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1. LAND (Lithosphere)
What Do You Think? 1.What makes up “land”? 2.What is the difference between… rock, sand, dirt, soil, and mud ???
What is Soil? Naturally occuring, loose material at the surface of the earth, which is capable of supporting plant & animal life.Naturally occuring, loose material at the surface of the earth, which is capable of supporting plant & animal life. SOIL = minerals + nutrients!SOIL = minerals + nutrients!
COMPONENTS OF SOIL: Made up of…Made up of… –Mineral content –Air –Water –Organic Matter
What is Soil? Ideal Soil Composition OrganicMatter
COMPONENTS OF SOIL: Mineral Content:Mineral Content: –Created by the weathering of bedrock at earth’s surface –Type of mineral determines many of soil’s properties (eg. Sand, silt, clay, etc.)
COMPONENTS OF SOIL: Mineral Content:Mineral Content:
COMPONENTS OF SOIL: Organic Matter:Organic Matter: –1-5% in average farmland –Derived from dead plant and animal matter, broken down by soil organisms –Found mostly in topsoil, major source of nutrients for plants (NPK) –Also helps soil hold water & stay loose
COMPONENTS OF SOIL: Water & Air:Water & Air: –Approx. ½ of soil’s volume is made of pore space, which is shared by liquid & gas –Water allows nutrients to be delivered to plant roots –Pores allow access to gases for respiration & allow gas exchange
COMPONENTS OF SOIL: Pores also provide space for the living soil communities – necessary for decompositionPores also provide space for the living soil communities – necessary for decomposition The End!!