Visions September 20, th Sunday of Ordinary Time Theme: Who is greatest?
Cover Check out the format! What Liturgical season are we in? How do you know? What Liturgical cycle are we in? How do you know? ***** Read the directions on the upper left hand corner and with you partner see if you can complete the ladder.
“Out of the Maze” page 2-4 Do you recognize that picture? Read together Discuss the TALK questions on page 2 (Often homework) Based on the cover and this article what do you think the message of this weeks Gospel will be? *****
Gospel: Mark 9: p.4 Two parts: Jesus and Narrator Discuss TALK ?
“The Church Assembles” p. 5 Read together Church means assembly Assembly – God’s people gathered to offer praise and thanks to God, to be a sign of Christ’s presence in the world ACT – We become what we celebrate – We become the Body of Christ