Guiding children is an important aspect in raising the children of the future. It is the prerogative of the adults, teachers, aunts, uncle’s older nieces and nephews. Parents!!!Guidance and punishment and indiscipline are three separate things that accomplish three different goals hen dealing with children. Guiding can be fun and still and still reach the goal set out. The goal is to teach our children to be responsible and wise about the choices that they make towards the future.
In this web quest your going to learn fun and exciting ways to deal with mistaken or misunderstood children. steps to guide children positively The difference between guidance and punishment ways to reinforce positive reaction from children
introduction: the teacher will start by playing a game that nurtures trust called Catch me if you can. This is where the teacher tell the student to lean back and trust that the teacher will be there to catch the student. this develops Piaget theory of trust versus mistrust. step 1 : first you will talk openly about how you feel after and before being punished and accept that what you have done wrong is worth being punished for. the students will also give the reason why they think they should not be punished or misunderstood. step2: the teacher will then give alternative measures to guiding the children positively without involving beating and abuse. step 3 : students will role play there idea of what is guidance and what is punishment and give a personal interpretation of what they are. step 4:you will be given more appropriate ay s to deal with students that show misunderstood and mistaken behaviour.
Students will be evaluated on their participation in class activity, their use of SJE and also their willingness to work as a team
Last but not least because of our Jamaican roots and our culture our parents have learnt that beating is the cure fore a disobedient child. however through this quest we have learnt a variety of ways to deal with a mistaken or misunderstood child when they are throwing tantrums and want to have their own around adults who only want the best for them. students you will reflect and think of all the things you have learnt whether new or reinforced knowledge in order to make life easier for yourself and your parents and guardian. I also want you to think up so new ways of punishing you when you know that you have done something wrong and Idon't mean- taking away TV privileges and hiding your phone I mean real opinions and your reasons why your ideas would work in making the family and the Jamaican society ban beating as a form of punishment for children. therefore our next web quest will be a in depth discussions of our findings and what we have learnt and the strategies we have seen those that have had negative and positive results Come and share in the wonders of the minds of our Jamaican students !
This web quest is to give teachers and students other alternatives to beating and punishment but to find positive guidance strategies to improve the behavior of students towards their work and their peers. Standards the standards that I want the children to achieve is one that they will have high self esteem and self confidence in themselves as individuals Credits I would like to thank ms Odean palmer and ms foster and Mr Jones for helping to give the information to make this web quest a success Other no