MPEG Digital Compression Standards Section III on MPEG-4 Lesley F. E. Jacques
Naming The MPEG Standards n MPEG-1 CD Storage Of Multimedia Information n MPEG-2 Digital TV And HDTV n MPEG-3 Abandoned? n MPEG-4 Diverse, Interactive, Scaleable, Versatile Encoding, Decoding And Storage Of Multimedia. n MPEG-7 Multimedia Content Description Interface, Semantic Information--2002? n MPEG-21 Multimedia Framework Infrastructure For The Consumption And Delivery Of Multimedia Information--2009?
MPEG-4 Goals/Objectives n Wide Bandwidth Accessibility: Effectiveness in both low and high bandwith enviroments n Compression Efficiency: Efficient coding of multiple concurrent data streams n Interactivity: Content based access and manipulation of data n Universal Access: Diverse multimedia data types and applications
Object Based Video Encoding I-VOP B-VOP P-VOP Video Object Planes Binary Shape Coding Gray Scale Shape Coding Sprite Based Coding Multiplexed Data Streams Binary Shape Coding
Audio Encoding n Sound Objects: Placed individually in a sound space eg: Speech, Reverb, Synthetic Sound, Natural Sound n SAOL: Structured Audio Orchestra Language n Environmental Spatialization: Varies sound depending on room definition
Meeting The Goals n Low Bandwidth Applications: Scalable code in terms of quality, presentation rate and selection of objects via BIFS & SAOL n Interaction: BIFS & SAOL n Improved Compression: Sprites, Local terminal based scalability & interaction n Diverse Multimedia Information: Video (arbitrary shape), Audio, Natural, Synthetic, 2D, 3D, Streamed.