Question: Where do we come from? Or we can say: Who are our ancestors?


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Presentation transcript:

Question: Where do we come from? Or we can say: Who are our ancestors?

Pre-reading Do you know each religion or culture has its own ideas about the beginning of the universe?

Pangu separates the sky from the earth

中国神话传说中有盘古开天地的说法。 巨人盘古用一把利斧劈开混沌, 将天地分 开。死后, 他的气息化成风和云, 声音变成 轰轰的雷声, 左眼化为太阳, 右眼化为月亮, 四肢变成大地的四极与五方的名山, 血液 化成江河, 筋脉铺成道路, 肌肉形成田地, 须发成为星星, 牙齿和骨骼化为金属、珍 珠、玉石, 汗水成为滋润万物生长的甘霖 和雨露。

Other legends about the beginning of universe

Day 1: God spoke and separated light from darkness creating Day and Night Day 2: God spoke and separated the water creating sky and ocean Day 3: God spoke and created dry land 上帝创世说:

Day 4: God spoke and created the sun, moon and stars Day 5: God spoke and created living creatures in the air and sea Day 6: God spoke and created the land animals and man Day 7: God rested and blessed this day calling it Holy

India Brahma( 婆罗门 ) is the god first represented in the Hindu Triad. He is the creator of the universe and all living beings are said to have evolved from him.

Big Bang A solid ball Atmosphere The earth

water Plants in the water Shellfish and fish Plants on land

Insects and amphibians Reptiles Dinosaurs Mammals


water 2. shellfish and all sorts of fish 3. green plants on land 1. small plants in water 4. insects (on land) 5. amphibians (on land and in water) Passage Analyzing How life began on the earth

7. reptiles (on land) 8. dinosaurs (on land) 9. mammals (on land) 10. small clever animals with hands and feet 11. human 6. forests