HOW TO MAKE BOW RIBBON Member of Grup : 1.Apriliani Adella 2.Dhia Fadilatul H 3. Fatmawati 4. Figina Hardiantie By: XI MIA 2
INGREDIENT : Scissors Origami Paper
STEP: 1. You should have the following to start with. 2. Fold down the top tip by about 2 cm or ~ 1 inch. Crease well and unfold.
3. Our next step is to make the sink fold. To make the sink fold, first open the paper back up. Recrease the paper with mountain and valley folds as indicated
After recreasing the paper, you can proceed to collapse the paper again. Push the paper from the right and left sides.
When your sink fold is complete, the top tip will have "sunk" or disappeared. Your paper will now look like this. 4. Starting from the top, fold the top layer both sides to meet in the center.
5. Flip paper over and repeat Step 4 on this other side. 6. Here comes a pretty cool step. Open the paper back up slowly.
7. Flip paper over. 8. We now have to make 4 cuts. We've making the cuts on existing crease lines.
9. Fold down the top half. If you've made the right cuts, then this step is easy. 10. Make 2 diagonal folds on the right side.
12. Make the cut through both layers of the paper. 13. Now make a diagonal fold on each side of the paper.
14. Fold the bottom tips up so that the bottom edges line up. 15. Make a diagonal fold on each side.
16. Flip paper over. 17. Bring the right and left tip towards the center and tuck it into the center square.
and your origami bow is complete!