The New CERN Mail Services Information for group Administrators Alberto Pace for the Internet Service Group and the Mail Migration Task Force
What’s the issue ? u During 2003, CERN will migrate users from the legacy service ( to the new infrastructure ( u The new service is compatible with the old one and the migration will be (almost) transparent for end users u The few differences that will be exposed to users are described in the next slides u There will be changes in USERREG u Compatibility is ensured, but administrators should be aware and understand the new model
Background motivation u Possibility to encrypt mail sessions using secure- IMAP and secure-POP protocols u Mail Username/Password = NICE Username/Password u Single sign on across NICE, Mail and Central Web servers u Webmail available at u Shared Calendar using the Web interface (or MAPI Clients) u Web interface to Internet News and Public folders u Improved Spam Fight
Roadmap u Proposal made end of 2001 u Pilot started beginning of 2002 u New service approved by desktop forum October 2002 u Userreg modification: December 2002 u Server-side migration starts January 2003
Current Status u 242 users on November 22 th, 2002 u 10 % increase in the last 12 days
Legacy Server New Server Server-side migration Mail Server Mail Client Mail User The server is replaced, Nothing changes for the client Additional interfaces available imap mapi http imaps pops webdav
Changes for the users u Nothing … u Same IMAP service on machine u No need to reconfigure Mail client u But … u Single sign on Mail / NICE (changes to userreg) u Pine users on linux should use at least version 4.21 and will have to type their password when pine starts (or saved locally in protected space) u Procmail no longer supported (workaround being investigated, users will be contacted)
CHANGES to USERREG (1) u MAILSERV and NOVELL services will remain as today u Even if they will be internally mapped to one unique service, they will still appear as two distinct services in USERREG u NOVELL is used to create NICE accounts. u Same as today u MAILSERV is used to create mailboxes u Same as today u The creation of a mailbox for a user will force the creation of a NICE account if not already existing u Transparent to group administrators and users. u (note: today is the opposite, Creation of a NICE account forces the creation of a Mailserv mailbox if necessary)
CHANGES to USERREG (2) u No possibility to create new mailboxes on the legacy services u Request for MAILBOX on MAILSERV will create a mailbox on the new service only
CHANGES to USERREG (3) u Password change request for NOVELL (Nice) and MAILSERV will be handled identically by the Helpdesk u It will always change the NICE password u If the user has not been migrated yet, it will also change the password on the legacy Mail servers u Basically we will have the same login and for users not yet migrated passwords will be synchronized u IMPORTANT: The Listbox / Simba web interface is already authenticating users using any valid MAILSERV or NICE username/password
CHANGES to USERREG (4) u When ? u December 2002