Patient’s Pertinent Prognosis
Classification Tetraplegia results from a spinal cord injury within the cervical region of the spinal cord Loss of both upper extremity and lower extremity sensory and motor functions Loss of bowel and bladder function Loss of sexual function
C7 tetraplegia functional ability to extend their elbow, which greatly enhances their mobility and self-care skills highest level at which patients can have an injury and still be able to live independently
C7 Tetraplegia They may be able to achieve independence in: Feeding upper extremity dressing Bathing bed mobility transfers manual wheelchair propulsion in the community
Can also be independent in: Writing Typing Turning pages Answering phones Using computers
C7 Tetraplegia With the use of assistive devices, they can also be independent in: Grooming lower extremity dressing bowel care
C8 Tetraplegia functional finger flexion, which improves their independence in terms of hand grasp and release
C8 Tetraplegia Can be independent in: Feeding Grooming upper and lower extremity dressing Bathing bed-mobility transfers manual wheelchair propulsion bladder and bowel care Typing and writing answering phones using computers.
Source: Functional Outcomes per Level of Spinal Cord Injury Author: William McKinley, MD, Residency Program Director, Director of Spinal Cord Injury Medicine, Professor, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center Coauthor(s): Timothy M Silver, MD, Medical Director, Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Sheltering Arms Hospital South; Katia G Santos, MD, Staff Physician, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Virginia Commonwealth University; Ajit B Pai, MD, Staff Physician, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Medical College of Virginia Contributor Information and Disclosures Accessed through: