MindtheAvalanche - homeexperiencesgalleryforumlinkscontact terrain options people risk-management basics decision-making MIND THE AVALANCHE snowpack&weather avalanche terrain exercise MIND THE AVALANCHE.com MIND THE AVALANCHE
MindtheAvalanche - homeexperiencesgalleryforumlinkscontact terrain options people risk-management basics decision-making MIND THE AVALANCHE snowpack&weather avalanche terrain MIND THE AVALANCHE.com MIND THE AVALANCHE exercise
MindtheAvalanche - homeexperiencesgalleryforumlinkscontact terrain options people risk-management basics decision-making MIND THE AVALANCHE snowpack&weather home >> terrain >> exercise MIND THE AVALANCHE.com MIND THE AVALANCHE exercise EXERCISE 1: Consider the terrain in this image, and click on the safest route for travel based on what you just learned about avalanche terrain.
MindtheAvalanche - homeexperiencesgalleryforumlinkscontact terrain options people risk-management basics decision-making MIND THE AVALANCHE snowpack&weather home >> terrain >> exercise MIND THE AVALANCHE.com MIND THE AVALANCHE exercise EXERCISE 1: Consider the terrain in this image, and click on the safest route for travel based on what you just learned about avalanche terrain.
MindtheAvalanche - homeexperiencesgalleryforumlinkscontact terrain options people risk-management basics decision-making MIND THE AVALANCHE snowpack&weather home >> terrain >> exercise MIND THE AVALANCHE.com MIND THE AVALANCHE exercise EXERCISE 1: Consider the terrain in this image, and click on the safest route for travel based on what you just learned about avalanche terrain.
MindtheAvalanche - homeexperiencesgalleryforumlinkscontact terrain options people risk-management basics decision-making MIND THE AVALANCHE snowpack&weather home >> terrain >> exercise MIND THE AVALANCHE.com MIND THE AVALANCHE exercise EXERCISE 1: Consider the terrain in this image, and click on the safest route for travel based on what you just learned about avalanche terrain.
MindtheAvalanche - homeexperiencesgalleryforumlinkscontact terrain options people risk-management basics decision-making MIND THE AVALANCHE snowpack&weather home >> terrain >> exercise MIND THE AVALANCHE.com MIND THE AVALANCHE exercise EXERCISE 1: Consider the terrain in this image, and click on the safest route for travel based on what you just learned about avalanche terrain.
MindtheAvalanche - homeexperiencesgalleryforumlinkscontact terrain options people risk-management basics decision-making MIND THE AVALANCHE snowpack&weather home >> terrain >> exercise MIND THE AVALANCHE.com MIND THE AVALANCHE exercise EXERCISE 1: Consider the terrain in this image, and click on the safest route for travel based on what you just learned about avalanche terrain. SORRY! Based on the angle of the slope (between degrees), lack of trees, and the route being in a gully, this slope is dangerous for travel. Try again and pick another route.