Tracker Readout Progress Terry Hart, MICE Tracker Meeting, July 29, 2008 Cosmic Ray Readout with 1 st Tracker at RAL 2 nd Tracker Preparation at FNAL Firmware Optimization at IIT
Tracker Cosmic Ray Readout Mid-June: tracker 1 readout arrives at RAL Late June/Early July: –Cryostats cooled down with reliable operation at 9 K –LED data indicate clear pedestals and photopeaks Early July: Cosmic ray data taking underway –Tracks successfully reconstructed –Timing refinements have improved efficiencies
Trigger Timing Scan - Results 3M.Ellis - VC th July 2008 Delay chosen: 862 ns Filled square – station 1 Triangle up – station 2 Triangle down – station 3 Open circle – station 4 Open square – station 5 Light Yield for each Station Average Light Yield for All 5 Stations
Triplet Residuals – Station 5 4M.Ellis - VC th July 2008 Station 5 before adjusting the nominal values Station 5 after adjusting plane X
2 nd Tracker Preparation at FNAL Cryostats 3 and 4 being prepared for temperature tests List of tasks for cassette characterization (setting optimum bias voltages) –Collect VLSB data collection boards –Assemble LVDS cables –Prepare AFE-IIt backplanes –Review characterization procedures –Ship LED pulser from RAL to FNAL
Tracker Readout Optimization at IIT One board test stand set up by Bill Luebke and me Readout Optimizations –4-level TriP-t buffering of incoming data –Double frequency clock for non-hit channels Status: Data read out to VLSB even with –Outdated spreadsheet –Wrong clock generation firmware –Wrong input timing signals to AFE-IIt board –Wrong VLSB setup Plan: –Get correct spreadsheet, firmware, and VLSB setup (install today after meeting) –Record charges and times with VLSB –Evaluate data quality as function of buffer level filled