Talent 21 project Social Studies By: Dillon Connelly
After Glacier Age They Started To Settle Down in one place. They Started to use more resources around them such as water and wood from trees. They started to Domesticate Plants and animals. They had more resources around them.
Early Man They Created Fire by rubbing rocks together.
Early Farmers Early Fames devolved Irrigation ditches which lead them to surpluses. Also they used Sickles, and hoes that where made of Copper and clay. They started to mix copper and tin which produced bronze. Which is a lot stronger than copper by its self.
Mesopotamia In early Mesopotamia The people used the Tigris and the Euphrates for fishing cooking and bathing and farming. Next they stared to dig irrigation ditches to control the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. They invented the plow and planted seeds while they plowed. They also invented the Iku, created a number system, a 360 day calendar, Also they believed in many gods.
Egypt Lower Egypt was Located by the Niles Mouth At the Mediterranean sea. King Narmer Combined Lower Egypt and upper Egypt and made the city Memphis as the new capital. The Egyptians would Mummify the dad to prepare them for the Afterlife. If the Soul could see that the body was his he would come back to life.
Greece Greeks were the first to invent the Olympics. The Olympics were held at Olympia. Greeks did a lot of trade with other groups of people in the Mediterranean.