doc.: IEEE /165r0 Submission March, 2005 Reed Fisher, OkiSlide 1 Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [Responses to comments on SG3c PAR] Date Submitted: [16 March, 2005] Source: [Reed Fisher] Company [Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd.] Address [2514 E. Maddox Rd., Buford, GA USA.] Voice:[ ] Re : [05-04/250 SG3c PAR] Abstract:[Description of responses to comments on SG3c PAR] Purpose:[Move to change SG3c PAR to satisfy the comments] Notice :This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release:The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P
doc.: IEEE /165r0 Submission March, 2005 Reed Fisher, OkiSlide 2 Responses to Comments on SG3c PAR
doc.: IEEE /165r0 Submission March, 2005 Reed Fisher, OkiSlide 3 Some of the following responses were sent to the Executive Committee in advance of this meeting at their request, in anticipation of group approval. PAR changes can be found in document c
doc.: IEEE /165r0 Submission March, 2005 Reed Fisher, OkiSlide 4 Comment –The scope is too broad--I would like to see a specific range of frequencies (will this be contained to unlicensed frequencies?), data rates and ranges defined. – Nikolich, Petrick Response –The intent is to operate in assigned unlicensed bands in the range of 25 to 100 GHz. This allows for the USA and Japanese unlicensed frequency allocations and expected allocations in other countries. Data rates will be defined to be at least 1Gbps under normal operating conditions with a typical range of no less than 10 meters.
doc.: IEEE /165r0 Submission March, 2005 Reed Fisher, OkiSlide 5 TEXT: 13. SCOPE OF PROPOSED PROJECT This project will define a 24 to 100 GHz (millimeter wave) alternative PHY clause for higher data rate amendment to Standard This frequency range allows for the USA and Japanese unlicensed allocations and expected allocations in other countries. Data rates will be at least 1 Gbps under normal operating conditions with a typical range no less than 10 meters.
doc.: IEEE /165r0 Submission March, 2005 Reed Fisher, OkiSlide 6 Comment –Remove incorrect forward references to 20 in item 14. Change 20a/20b to 14 in item 21.- Parsons –Also I suggest that the technology should be named in the Purpose instead of quoting the standard.- Parsons Response –Jodie Haasz agreed to make the editorial changes to fix the references and updated appropriate contact telephone numbers. –We are not quite sure what you would like to see regarding comment 2. Are you looking for a more application focus in the answer? Underlying technology would be part of the standards work.
doc.: IEEE /165r0 Submission March, 2005 Reed Fisher, OkiSlide 7 Text: 14. PURPOSE OF PROPOSED PROJECT (Editorial changes. Not shown.) To standardize an alternative PHY that can achieve higher data rate transmission, higher spectral re-use via optional directional antennas, and superior coexistence than existing wireless systems. Multiple data rates will be offered. Data rates of at least 1 Gbps (see item 21), will satisfy an evolutionary set of consumer multi-media industry needs for WPAN communications.
doc.: IEEE /165r0 Submission March, 2005 Reed Fisher, OkiSlide 8 Comment –Section 7: number of working group members needs to be completed. - McCann –Section 15: needs to be completed. – McCann Response –Section 7: Number of WG members is corrected to 200. –Section 15: (the text was recited but not changed.)
doc.: IEEE /165r0 Submission March, 2005 Reed Fisher, OkiSlide 9 7. WORKING GROUP INFORMATION : Approximate Number of Expected Working Group Members: REASON FOR THE PROPOSED PROJECT: This amendment extends the link rate for the MAC by standardizing a new, mm wave PHY. Current PHYs are not able to reach the same performance point for the combination of speed, range, coexistence and complexity. It will provide opportunities to expand product features and performance for the consumer and will result in economic opportunity for technology component suppliers and equipment manufacturers.
doc.: IEEE /165r0 Submission March, 2005 Reed Fisher, OkiSlide 10 Comment –Section 18: doesn't this standard want to go to ISO eventually? –Section 21: please expand up abbreviation CFA. Response –Regarding section 18, we don't know whether organizations like ISO will have an interest in this Standard yet. The past PARs have left this option open by using “??” in this field. Since there was no provision for “??”, we opted for No although we would still prefer “??”. –A CFA is a Call for Application. This is where the study group asks the industry for examples of applications the standard should address. The PAR reflects the consolidated results of those needs.
doc.: IEEE /165r0 Submission March, 2005 Reed Fisher, OkiSlide 11 Comment (non-duplicate comments) –Does the MAC need to be modified to support this project? –Clarify or delete “higher frequency re-usage”, Response –No, we are not aware of any MAC changes at this time. Data rate is a “PHY Dependent Variable”. –By “higher frequency re-use” we mean Spectrum re-use. The PAR text was modified in section 14 earlier in this presentation.
doc.: IEEE /165r0 Submission March, 2005 Reed Fisher, OkiSlide 12 SG Motion Move to accept the changes to the SG3c PAR as captured in c. Moved: Rypinski Second: Mathew For: 15 Against:0 Abstain: 5 Passes
doc.: IEEE /165r0 Submission March, 2005 Reed Fisher, OkiSlide 13 TG Motion That the WG accept the clarifications to c PAR and that the updated document, c be forwarded to the Executive Committee for approval. Moved: Fisher Second: Seyedi For: Against: Abstain: