1.Who is telling the story? What are your impressions of the narrator? Chapters 1-3
Holden Caulfield (17 years old) is telling the story 1 st person. He seems negative, critical, may feel like a “problem child”, a loner.
2.How much time has passed since the events in the story? What do you think is Holden’s purpose in telling the story? Chapters 1-3
Flashback: The events took place last Christmas. He is trying to make sense of those few days—a confession
3.What is Pencey Prep like? Why is Holden leaving? How does he feel about leaving? Chapters 1-3
Pencey is a prestigious boarding school—although he says it is full of crooks. Holden has flunked out. Although he has flunked out from other schools, he feels somewhat badly.
4.Why does Holden go to see Mr. Spencer? Why does he regret the visit? Chapters 1-3
Mr. Spencer, his history teacher, has the flu and has asked Holden to stop by and say goodbye. Mr. Spencer wants to know how Holden’s parents will react, tells him he hasn’t applied himself, and asks whether he is concerned about the future.
5.Where did Holden get his red hunting hat? Why does he wear it indoors? Chapters 1-3
Holden bought his hat for $1.00 in New York City. He likes the way it makes him look and feel. Page 22
6.What is Holden’s opinion of Ackley? How do you suppose Ackley feels about Holden? Does Holden treat Ackley badly? Chapters 1-3
Although Holden makes several snide comments about Ackley (pimples, teeth) and sees him as intrusive and nasty, he is not cruel to Ackley. Ackley finds Holden annoying.
7.What is Stradlater like? Chapters 1-3
Stradlater is handsome, self-important, and popular. Holden is annoyed by him but civil to him.