Developing Print Advertisements
Parts of a Print Ad Headline Copy Illustration Signature
Marshall Fields Great Savings Storewide Headline Lettering, slogan, or saying that gets readers attention Responsible for 70-80% of ads effectiveness Most important part of the ad Must be attention getters-Just Do It Subheadline used to enhance the headline 13 Hour Sale Marshall Fields Great Savings Storewide
Headline cont. No more than 7 words More than 80% of people who read ads, just read the headline Sum up main idea in a single sentence Use simple language Use of opposites News and information “New” Shock or surprise Questioning to get attention Arousing curiosity
Headline cont. Techniques Alliteration-repeating initial consonant sounds “Ruffles have Ridges” Paradox-a contradiction that could be true “It Will Fill You Up, But Won’t Weight You Down” Rhyme-”Bounty…The Quicker Picker Upper” Pun-using a similar sounding word or similar meaning “Every Litter Bit Hurts” Play on Words-”For Soft Babies and Soft Hands”
Copy Selling message Tell who, what, when, why, where, and how Written in the active voice Ask for action
Illustration Photo or drawing Primary function is to attract attention Should tie in the headline with the copy Lead the customer to read the copy First thing the reader sees Transmit the total message
Signature Specific id of advertiser Name, address, telephone, business hours, and slogan A well designed signature gets instant recognition, even if product does not Slogan-often used to create a distinct image