community of practice
Collaborative search engine - Community of practice 1 Recent work in collaborative filtering and information retrieval has shown that sharing of search experiences among users having similar interests, typically called a community of practice or community of interest, reduces the effort put in by a given user in retrieving the exact information of interest.
Collaborative search engine - Community of practice 1 Collaborative search deployed within a community of practice deploys novel techniques for exploiting context during search by indexing and ranking search results based on the learned preferences of a community of users
Community of practice 1 A 'community of practice' ('CoP') is, according to Cognitive anthropology|cognitive anthropologists Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger, a group of people who share a craft and/or a profession
Community of practice 1 CoPs exist in real life, such as in a lunch room at work, in a field setting, on a factory floor, or elsewhere in the environment, but members of CoPs do not have to be co- located. They form a “virtual community of practice” (VCoP) when they collaborate online, such as within discussion boards and newsgroups, or a ‘‘mobile community of practice’’ (MCoP) when members communicate with one another via mobile phones and participate in community work on the go.
Community of practice - Early years 1 The term community of practice is that group that Lave and Wenger referred to, who share a common interest and a desire to learn from and contribute to the community with their variety of experiences.
Community of practice - Present work 1 In this context, a community of practice is a group of individuals participating in communal activity, and experiencing/continuously creating their shared identity through engaging in and contributing to the practices of their communities.
Community of practice - Present work 1 The structural characteristics of a community of practice are again redefined to a domain of knowledge, a notion of community and a practice.
Community of practice - Examples of communities of practice 1 Lave and Wenger observed situated learning within a community of practice among Yucatán midwives, Liberian tailors, navy quartermasters and meat cutters as well as insurance claims processors.. Other fields have made use of the concept of CoPs. Examples include education, sociolinguistics, material anthropology, second language acquisition, and child mental health practice (Adolescent Mentalization-Based Integrative Treatment|AMBIT).
Community of practice - Examples of communities of practice 1 A famous example of a community of practice within an organization is that which developed around the Xerox customer service representatives who repaired the machines in the field
Community of practice - Communities of practice compared to functional or project teams 1 A project team differs from a community of practice in several significant ways (McDermott, 1999).
Community of practice - Communities of practice compared to functional or project teams 1 * A project team meets to share and exchange information and experiences just as the community of practice does, but team membership is defined by task.
Community of practice - Communities of practice compared to functional or project teams 1 * A community of practice is often organically created, with as many objectives as members of that community.
Community of practice - Communities of practice compared to functional or project teams 1 * A community of practice can exist as long as the members believe they have something to contribute to it, or gain from it.
Community of practice - Communities of practice and knowledge management 1 Because knowledge management is seen primarily as a problem of capturing, organizing, and retrieving information, evoking notions of databases, documents, query languages, and data mining, the community of practice, collectively and individually, is considered a rich potential source of helpful information in the form of actual experiences; in other words, best practices.
Community of practice - Communities of practice and knowledge management 1 Thus, for knowledge management, a community of practice is one source of content and context that if codified, documented and archived can be accessed for later use.
Community of practice - Social capital 1 Through informal connections that participants build in their community of practice, and in the process of sharing their expertise, learning from others, and participating in the group, members are said to be acquiring social capital - especially those members who demonstrate expertise and experience.
Community of practice - Social presence 1 Management of a community of practice often faces many barriers that inhibit individuals from engaging in knowledge exchange
Community of practice - Motivation 1 Members of a community of practice can also be motivated to participate by using methods such as tangible returns (promotion, raises or bonuses), intangible returns (reputation, self-esteem) and community interest (exchange of practice related knowledge, interaction).
Community of practice - Actions to cultivate a successful community of practice 1 What makes a community of practice succeed depends on the purpose and objective of the community as well as the interests and resources of the members of that community. Wenger identified seven actions that could be taken in order to cultivate communities of practice:
Community of practice - Actions to cultivate a successful community of practice 1 # Design the community to evolve naturally - Because the nature of a Community of Practice is dynamic, in that the interests, goals, and members are subject to change, CoP forums should be designed to support shifts in focus.
Virtual Community of Practice 1 An 'Online Community of Practice' ('OCoP'), also known as a 'Virtual Community of Practice' ('VCoP'), is a Community of Practice (CoP) that is developed on, and is maintained using the Internet
Virtual Community of Practice 1 For example, some [ er_16.html The Adult Literacy Education Wiki as a Virtual Community of Practice] E
Virtual Community of Practice 1 Few believe that a community of practice may be formed without any face to face meetings whatsoever
Virtual Community of Practice - Current Research 1 Informal Learning in an Online Community of Practice
Virtual Community of Practice - Current Research 1 Sustaining an Online Community of Practice: A Case Study
Virtual Community of Practice - OCoPs and Social Networking 1 The structural characteristics of a community of practice include a shared domain of interest, a notion of community, and members who are also practitioners
Virtual Community of Practice - Advantages 1 An online community of practice enables participants to read, submit and receive advice and feedback from the community to the extent that they wish
Networking and Information Technology Research and Development - Community of practice 1 Faster Administration of Science and Technology Education and Research (FASTER) Community of Practice (CoP) FASTER, supported by the NITRD NCO, communicates with the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the Federal Chief Information Officers (CIO) Council concerning IT RD matters that are of general interest to Federal agencies
For More Information, Visit: m/the-community-of-practice- toolkit.html m/the-community-of-practice- toolkit.html The Art of Service