Q502 Common Core Standards Retreat June 3 - 5, 2011 Facilitators William Heller, Susan Ruckdeschel, Frank Sobierajski
Retreat Goals Participants will be able to use the Common Core State Standards in planning for instruction. Participants will create curriculm maps for next year that move the school in the direction of the Common Core Standards.
Postcard Directions Consider the following question: Which postcard image best represents your current outlook in working with standards? Discuss the individual responses with your colleagues. Be prepared to share your responses with the larger group.
The Moodle Classroom Access the Moodle Classroom: Register for an account using your DOE address. Access your account for a verification URL. Enroll in the course “Common Core State Standards ” The enrollment key is “staircase.”
The Backchannel Access the Backchannel from the Moodle Use this chat room to discuss the institute throughout the day. Comments are publicly accessible by all group members and the facilitator. Twitter hashtag: #ccss502
Postcards Report Out What is your name? What do you teach? (Grade and Subject) What postcard did you choose? What was your reason for choosing it?
Retreat Overview Welcome! Introduction to the CCSS Curriculum Mapping Planning for Assessment Presentations and Reflection
le Questions?