Making Every Contact Count
Initial Processes Collated a MECC strategy group Assembled ideas to effective audit Applied for £5k grant from SHA to implement changes to patient survey
Innovation Bid UHCW conducts a rolling patient questionnaire Both Electronic and Paper formats Consulted Patient Council Software company adds in question Rolls out in March
Q. Have you been offered any healthy lifestyle advice about Smoking, Physical Activity, Healthy Eating, Alcohol, Weight, Mental Health or General Wellbeing? A. I'd prefer not to say Yes No Unsure
Audit Allows for specific ward audits to target education Quick reporting time (ad-hoc and quarterly) Accessible to all
2 monthly working groups – Strategy and Delivery Delivery group are working together to tailor F2F training packages that work for their area Both Local and UHCW specific service referral routes included in marketing packs. Training that works
Improving Referrals E-referral
Simplicity – removes paper forms Audit and Outcomes feedback Training included in MECC Future Integration into North 51 hub Going Forward