A – Z of Council/Public Services and Knowledge Base Project Event Knowing what you deliver and allowing your customers easy access Peter English East Dunbartonshire Council
Project Rationale A viable and consistent approach for delivery of council and other public services To deliver information and public services first time …. Every time! Re-design services and systems around the needs of the customer Provide staff with the skills, the tools and the knowledge to deliver first time services
A –Z Project Deliverables A Scottish version of the Local Government Services List (LGSL). Mapped to the top 46 ESD categories A model Scottish A – Z index (incorporating local synonyms) A Scottish Navigation Structure mapping to the Integrated Public Sector Vocabulary (IPSV) Scottish additions to the IPSV
Benefits – The full package
Benefits - Scottish Services List Standard list of customer-facing council services Record of actual and potential electronic service provision by process area and interaction type Forms and FAQs mapped to particular services
Benefits - Scottish Navigation Structure Commitment to customer-facing concepts Navigational structure tailored to Scottish needs Poly-hierarchical – Information under multiple headings to cater for different interpretations of concepts. Mapped to the IPSV
Benefits – A-Z Standard directory of council and other public services A channel for people not comfortable with search or ‘drill-down’ Local terms used for entries
Conclusion Multiple paths to information: A – Z, ‘drill down’, FAQs, search An information architecture geared to council AND customers’ needs Mappings from services list to forms and FAQs
THANK YOU Don Martin eastdunbarton.gov.uk Peter English (t):