F25 Performance Plan F1 Work F15 Complex Work F14 Individual Work F2 Expression F22 Self Contained Expression R1 is logical successor of (has successor) R2 is derivative of (has derivative) F20 Performance Work F21 Recording Work F26 Recording F16 Container Work F18 Serial Work F17 Aggregation Work R3 is realised in (realises) F23 Expression Fragment R15 has component (is component of) R14 incorporates (is incorporated in) R10 has member (is member of) E28 Conceptual Object E73 Information Object R15 is fragment of (has fragment) Work and Expression, static view F19 Publication Work F24 Publication Expression E29 Design or Procedure R11 has issuing rule (is issuing rule of ) R9 is realised in (realises) R12 is realised in (realises) R13 is realised in (realises)
F28 Expression Creation (or“first externalisation”) E65 Creation E12 Production F1 Work F2 Expression F4 ManifestationSingleton isA R19 created a realisation of R17 created R18 created R3 is realised in P128B is carried by Conceptual level Physical level
F4 Manifestation Singleton F28 Expression Creation (or first externalisation) P128B is carried by R18 created (was created by) E12 Production F14 Individual Work R17 created (was created by) R19 created a realization of E65 Creation F22 Self Contained Expression R9 is realised in (realises) Conceptual levelPhysical level
E65 Creation F27 Work Conception F1 Work R16 initiated (was initiated by) F2 Expression F22 Self Contained Expression F28 Expression Creation R17 created (was created by) R19 created a realisation of (was realised through) From Work to Expression, dynamic view E28 Conceptual Object F29 Recording Event F26 Recording F21 Recording Work R22 realised (was realised through) F24 Publication Expression F16 Container Work F14 Individual Work R21 created (was created by) E5 Event R20 recorded (was recorded though) F25 Performance Plan F20 Performance Work F19 Publication Work F30 Publication Event R23 created a realisation of (was realised through) F31 Performance E7 Activity R25 performed (was performed in) R24 created (was created through) F4 Manifestation Singleton R18 created (was created by)
F4 Manifestation Singleton F28 Expression Creation R6 carries (is carried by) R18 created (was created by) F24 Publication Expression E12 Production From Expression to Publication E70 Thing F2 Expression F3 Manifestation Product Type R4 carriers provided by (comprises carriers of ) F5 Item R7 is example of (has example) F32 Carrier Production Event R26 produced things of type (was produced by ) R27 used as source material (was used by ) R28 produced (was produced by) F33 Reproduction Event R17 created (was created by) R29 reproduced (was reproduced by) E84 Information Carrier R30 produced (was produced by) R14 incorporates (is incorporated in)
F3 Manifestation Product Type E55 Type CLP2 should have type (should be type of) F2 Expression R4B comprises carriers of (carriers provided by) E54 Dimension CLP43 should have dimension (should be dimension of) E57 Material CLP45 should consist of (should be incorporated in) CLP46 should be composed of (may form part of) E60 Number E30 Right CLP57 should have number of parts (should be number of parts of) CLP104 subject to (applies to) E39 Actor F24 Publication Expression CLR6 should carry (should be carried by) CLP105 right held by (right on) F5 Item F4 Manifestation Singleton F28 Expression Creation R18 created (was created by) R7 is example of (has example) R22 created (was created by) Expression and Manifestation E73 Information Object P128 carries (is carried by) E24 Physical Man-Made Thing
R22 realised ( was realised through) R12 is realised in (realises) R21 created (was created by) F14 Individual Work Henry IV part 1 Adaptation F28 Expression Creation Expression creation of Adaptation of Henry IV part 1 R19 created a realisation of (was realised through) F22 Self-Contained Expression Henry IV part 1 Adaptation Text R17 created (was created by) F28 Expression Creation Expression creation of Henry IV part 1 mise-en- scene F20 Performance Work Henry IV part 1 idea of mise-en-scene R19 created a realisation of (was realised through) F25 Performance Plan Henry IV part 1 “mise- en-scene” R17 created (was created by) F29 Recording Event Recording Performance 25/12/07 R20 recorded (was recorded though) R63 incorporates (is incorporated in) R25 performed (was performed in) F26 Recording DVD Henry IV part 1 Play 25/12/07 F31 Performance Performance 25/12/07 F21 Recording Work Henry IV part 1 recording work R13 is realised in (realises) R14 incorporates (is incorporated in) F15 Complex Work Henry IV R10 has member (is member of) F16 Container Work R9 is realised in (realises) F15 Complex Work Henry IV part 1 R2 is derivative of (has derivative) F15 Complex Work Henry IV part 2 R10 has member (is member of) Performing Arts : Added Value Chain R10 has member (is member of)
Work conceptionExpression creation Work elaboration produces a work produces an idea Produces (simultaneously) an Expression and a Manifestation-Singleton F28 Expression Creation F27 Work Conception F1 Work E39 Actor E52 Time-Span E53 Place F2 Expression F4 Manifestation Singleton R16 initiated (was initiated by) P14 carried out by (performed) P4 has time-span (is time-span of) P7… R17 created (was created by) R18 created (was created by) P4… P7 took place at (witnessed) P14 carried out by (performed) R19 created a realisation of (was realised through) time Work and Time
F15 Complex Work Walt Whitman’s Leaves of grass F15 Complex Work Walt Whitman’s Leaves of grass “deathbed edition” F14 Individual Work Abstract content of translation Walt Whitman’s Leaves of grass “deathbed edition” into French by Leon Bazalgette F22 Self-Contained Expression Text of the French translation of Walt Whitman’s Leaves of grass “deathbed edition” by Leon Bazalgette F28 Expression Creation Translation Walt Whitman’s Leaves of grass “deathbed edition” into French by Leon Bazalgette R10 has member (is member of) R10 has member (is member of) R19B was realised through (created a realisation of) R17 created (was created by) R3 is realized in (realises) R9 is realised in (realises) Work Realisation example
Physical Publishing Electronic Publishing Physical - Electronic Publishing F24 Publication Expression F32 Carrier Production Event F5 Item CLR6 should carry (should be carried by) R7 is example of (has example) R27B was used by (used as source material) F30 Publication Event “Result of an industrial process” R28 produced (was produced by) R26 produced things of type (was produced by) makes accessible : “how to produce” “copy on local carrier” R24 created(was created through) R6 carries (is carried by) E29 Design or Procedure P16B was used for P94B was created by makes accessible: “how to download” F3 Manifestation-Product Type F24 Publication Expression F32 Carrier Production EventF5 Item R27B was used by (used as source material) F30 Publication Event R28 produced (was produced by) R24 created(was created through) R6 carries (is carried by) E29 Design or Procedure P16B was used for P94B was created by
F42 Representative Expression Assignment F1 Work F2 Expression F3 Manifestation Product Type F4 Manifestation-Singleton F41 Representative Manifestation Assignment R42 has representative manifestation-singleton ( is representative manifestation singleton for)* R41 has representative manifestation product type (is representative manifestation product type for) F44 Bibliographic Agency R43 carried out by (performed) R50 assign to (was assigned by) R49 assigned (was assigned by) R44 carried out by (performed) R51 assigned (was assigned by) R48 assigned to (was assigned by) How to identify Work? R53 assigned (was assigned by) R4 comprises carriers of (carriers provided by) F22 Self-Contained Expression F23 Expression Fragment R15 is fragment of (has fragment) E39 Actor E13 Attribute Assignment *R42 has representative manifestation-singleton ( is representative manifestation singleton for) is a sub property of P128 carries (is carried by) F15 Complex Work R3 is realised in (realises) R40 has representative expression (is representative expression of)
F12 Name = E41 Appellation F13 Identifier F40 Identifier Assignment F43 Identifier Rule R47 used constituent (was used in) E1 CRM Entity P1is identified by (identified) R8 consists of (forms part of) R46 assigned (was assigned by) R52B used rule (was the rule used in) R45 assigned to (was assigned by) Identifier Construction