Walt Whitman “The Good Grey Poet” “The Bard of Democracy”
Bio. Trained to be a printer Wrote for newspapers as well Editor of BROOKLYN EAGLE; fired for his opposition to slavery Hired in New Orleans; as he traveled, he observed the diversity of the American people.
Poetic style Broke all traditional rules of rhyme and meter Celebrated America and the common man Innovator of free verse
LEAVES OF GRASS First denounced Published 1855 Critics hated the subject matter and lack of traditional poetic devices and forms. Revised and reshaped until his death: #13, the “death bed edition”—contained 383 poems Captures the diversity of the American people and conveys intensity and energy of all forms of life. Published at his own expense
“The Bard of Democracy” His poetry gave America her voice. LEAVES OF GRASS: one of the most highly regarded collections ever written.
“The Good Grey Poet” Brother wounded in Civil War He went to help and stayed 3 years Attended the wounded and read to them Wrote of these experiences
Terms Free Verse: irregular meter and line length. Re- creates cadences of natural speech; does not rhyme. Diction: word choice and syntax (arrangement of words and sentence structure); these play a key role in Whitman’s voice. Catalogs: long lists Parallel forms: repetition of phrases or sentences with similar structures or meanings