Cardiovascular Disorders Unit 7.8 Circulatory System.


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Presentation transcript:

Cardiovascular Disorders Unit 7.8 Circulatory System

Anemia Deficiency of red cells, hemoglobin or both S/S- pallor, fatigue, dyspnea, rapid pulse Causes- hemorrhage, iron deficiency, bone marrow damage, abnormally formed red cells, inherited Main Types/treatments – Hemorrhagic (blood transfusions) – Iron Deficiency (diet and oral iron supplements) – Aplastic (transfusions, bone marrow transplant) – Pernicious (vitamin B12 injections) – Sickle cell (transfusions and supportive therapy)


Sickle Cell Probability

Aneurysm Weakness in the wall of an artery Causes- congenital defects or injuries S/S- pain and pressure Common sites- Cerebral aorta, & abdominal arteries Treatment-surgical removal and/or replacement with a graft NOTE: many aneurysms are fatal


Arteriosclerosis Hardening of the arteries Commonly occurs with aging Often causes hypertension & can lead to aneurysms or cerebral hemorrhages Treatment- lowering BP, through diet, exercise and Meds.


Atherosclerosis Fatty substances cause plaques in artery walls Often leads to coronary artery disease Treatments- – Low cholesterol- low fat diet – Antihypertensive & Lipid lowering meds. – Stop smoking – Reduce stress – exercise NOTE; Figure 7-49 on page 192


Congestive Heart Failure Results from inadequate heart beats S/S- edema, dyspnea, pallor, cyanosis, distended neck veins, rapid pulse, cough accompanied by pink frothy sputum Treatment- – Cardiotonic meds. – Diuretic meds. – Elastic support stockings – Oxygen therapy – Low sodium diet


Embolus A foreign substance circulating in the blood vessels May be-air, fat, clots, bacteria clumps, or any thing that is not supposed to be traveling through the vessels Treatment varies depending on the cause


Hemophilia Inherited disorder that usually occurs in males The blood lacks plasma proteins necessary to clot the blood Treatment- – Transfusions whole blood plasma specific factor that is missing


Hypertension High Blood Pressure Systolic over 140 &/or Diastolic over 90 Risk factors- family history, race, obesity, stress, smoking, aging, & diet No cure Treatments include- antihypertensive meds., diuretics, stress reduction, stop smoking, low- fat, low-salt diet, exercise if permitted


Leukemia Malignant disease of the blood forming tissue Blood studies show increased numbers of immature white cells Types- may be acute or chronic S/S- fever, pallor, swollen lymph nodes, fatigue, anemia, bleeding gums, excessive bruising, & joint pain Treatments- may include chemotherapy &/or radiation, &/or bone marrow transplants


Myocardial Infarction Heart Attack Coronary vessels become blocked Heart muscle tissue dies Death may occur immediately S/S- severe crushing chest pain, pain may radiate to the neck or arm, pressure in the chest, diaphoresis, dyspnea, & changes in BP

MI Treatment – CPR – TPA- thrombolytic or “clot-busting” drugs – CABG surgery (coronary artery bypass grafting) – Complete Bed rest – Pain meds – Vasodilator meds – Cardiotonic meds – Oxygen therapy – Anticoagulant meds – Anti-arrhythmia meds

MI Long-term care includes – Controlling BP – Low cholesterol, low fat, low salt diet – Avoiding tobacco – Reducing stress – Weight control


Phlebitis Inflammation of a vein If a clot is involved it is called thrombophlebitis S/S- pain, edema, redness, & discoloration at the site Treatments- anticoagulant meds, pain meds, elevation of the affected part, anti-embolism or support stockings, surgery if necessary


Varicose Veins Dilated, swollen, veins that have lost their elasticity and cause stasis or decreased blood flow Causes- pregnancy, prolonged sitting or standing, tight or restrictive clothing & hereditary factors Treatments- exercise, anti-embolism stockings, avoiding prolonged sitting or standing, avoiding tight or restrictive clothing, surgery as a last resort

Varicose Veins