The struggle for respect in a Planning Centric World… Stephen Smith Carnegie Mellon University
AI Scheduling – the struggle for respect … 1990s – Formation of research community The Period of Basic Disconnect Int. Conference on AI Planning Systems (AIPS) European Conference on Planning (ECP) Perspectives: There is a restricted class of planning problems concerned with synchronizing plans in time (mostly uninteresting from the standpoint of stacking blocks) Is scheduling about core techniques or about solving application problems?
AI Scheduling – the struggle for respect … – Recognition AIPS changed its name to Int. Conf. on AI Planning and Scheduling I got a paper accepted in ECP! Perspectives Increasing recognition that most real planning problems must worry about situating actions in time and making good use of scarce resources Consideration of integration frameworks But majority view of scheduling is really still as a black box component of a larger planning system
AI Scheduling – the struggle for respect … 2003 onward – Age of Acceptance (?) Less work in the planning community on inventing planning techniques to solve scheduling problems At ICAPS 2004, we actually held a workshop on how planning might be used to solve scheduling subproblems More emphasis on common core technologies: temporal reasoning, search
What is Planning and Scheduling? Planning - Synthesis of action sequences to achieve goals (what to do) Scheduling - Assignment of resources and times to actions to maximize performance (how and when) OP 1,1 OP 1,2 OP 1,3 OP 2,1 OP 2,2 R1 R2 rd 1 dd 1 dd 2 rd 2 st(i) + p(i) ≤ st(j), where p(i) is the processing time of op i st(i) + p(i) ≤ st(j) ∨ st(j) + p(j) ≤ st(i) rd(j) ≤ st(i) for each op i of job j Minimize ∑ |c(j) - dd(j)| ij R i j on(b,t) on(g,t) on(r,g) on(b,r) on(g,r) clear(b) clear(r) stack(b,r) stack(g,b) putdown(r) clear(g) clear(x) clear(y) on(x,?) preconds ¬on(x,?) on(x,y) clear(?) postconds stack(x,y) clear(x) on(x,?) preconds ¬on(x,?) on(x,t) postconds clear(?) putdown(x) Planning Scheduling durative actions, temporal reasoning maximizing # of goals achieved, # of soft constraints satisfied resources action selection from pre-computed resource & process alternatives resource setup and state constraints In recent years, the distinction has started to blur: OP 1,1 OP 2,2 OP 1,3 OP 1,2 R2 R1 OP 2,1